[citation][nom]marshcorps[/nom]hahaha, this is so funny. "Let's increase the number of solar panels per square meter and that will increase their efficiency". Nice work kid!Why not just use a gigantic cone with a slight angel with the solar panels on the inside and a dome at the top to channel all the sunlight into the cone and onto the solar panels? Besides that fact it might get so hot that the whole thing will burst into flames, I figure it would definitely increase the efficiency by at least 232.542%[/citation]
On ideas of say articles and news, we are sort this somewhere.
Otherwise for ideas though probably as variant as any others, just gotta deal with curved surfaces. Which probably has a 3-1 chance to break in the process. Least even on the tree idea at times saves some room for even those kinda "faults" .
Flat panels would be nice cause making them probably couldn't be too bad, but they were made and able to move afterwards.
So again even though probably in the right direction of thoughts at times, does present its own issues. Otherwise for ideas of say cones would be limited to size and angles of lights for a straight panel and should of went with more a "pyramid" type design. Cause here at least within the design would be say little to work with on changes within ideas of loses or gains.
Cones might have to make the panel smaller to fit all, which is probably subjective and perspective of course. But on the idea of channeling of light though, probably wouldn't be needed.
But of it though again on ideas of a tree to say once fell not all is in as much issue as others. Of those though to say if so would incline probably other issues though to say.
But probably does still get some say "perks" in the idea though. In terms of say size if equally placed to something on a roof, some panels might not be as high up as what a flat panel would be or even curved.
Then of it some panels aren't in use as much as others, even for say damaged ones for the idea and replacement of positions may provide some compensation. Probably as ot placed for it though as well, given you are moving a better panel for the one that is not. But of it though is idea of use maybe of ones that were not getting as much as they were.
Also of it would probably incline many ideas of able to "attach" panels within certains weights and angles. Say all attachments should be the same, but maybe not.
Least with the Cone idea probably not as placed for such an issue if present as much. But still, something to think of though. Otherwise left to own thoughts to say.
Own thoughts are probbaly harder to find then not but at least of them is something to think of, given many ideas usually require some though, others no of course, unless of the idea of itself.
Till then are ideas though for what could or couldn't be done. Otherwise they are that without saying so. Which would be many things without ways of speak, but thats on the ideas of change within themselves.
But of it though Solar Panels are interesting ideas though, and they do seem to come and go for what they are. For ideas of space in terms of use there is probably some useful ideas of them use but still many within ideas of reasonable more even with more has its issue.
So, we might hear of a few more ideas and find some interest in what they are for what they maybe when that happens but till then, we got a idea of Solar Trees rather once or again.
If anything though of at least again is some innovation against what might not be seen as innovation as much of what it might be though at least.
But if anything with it ideas will be placed within what might be considered reasonable means. And the affordability of it as well.
Bt least the most in this one place of article is probably that its own collection of ideas for what one might be of ideas or an idea.
Probably one of the most or least depending upon some ideas but of it should it say any one idea is better then another is anyones guess to say as well.
Theres yestarday, today, and tomorrow, but whats probably going on now is nice, rather it conficts with today or not. And now being placed just when someone reads any of the articles and maybe comments. Or posting them.
Until then, water still doesn't really float as much as it would sound.