[citation][nom]InsufficientApplication[/nom]@Scuba Dave...... the kid was awarded a mathematically derived patent (the application of Fibonacci Series for positioning of solar panels in a vertical structure, now if you want to apply 'prior art' to that you would notice there are no man made vertical structure that has solar panels arranged in a Fibonacci Series, a tree does not count as 'prior art'), Apple's patents are purely aesthetics based, so Samsung can happily claim it looks like 'prior art', this patent is not about looks it's about mathsand yes the kid has some smarts, but the big problem is that he did not add anything big to the overall equation, this thing will not revolutionized solar power (as the title suggest) in fact it may even detract and add fuel for the anti-conservationist movement who will use it to say even with technology that improves solar harvesting by 50%, it is still feebly insufficient[/citation]
......If Samsung were to win with it's "defense" I could reasonably expect to be able to ilvalidate his patent by showing off pictures of trees, drawn by man, or showing CGI models of trees, built by man beforehand, showing the "basic design" isn't new. As per his solar panel usage, I'm sure I could also find an old pic, or clip, of something basically similar.. As I said, Samsung's defense, redic. No need to bring Apple into this.
As per the kid... I didn't say he was right, or that he did anything here of value. He DID however try to use his time to help and reinvent something, which ultimately could have helped the world. That is something to be commended. You however, focus on how he was wrong. Good job bro. Way to prove your (un)worth.