$1500 - Asus G55VW-DS71 or MSI GT60 0ND-250US or Other


Feb 18, 2012
Hi Everyone,

I'm looking a getting a new gaming laptop as my current one is from 2008 and just isnt cutting it anymore. Here the two ones I am debating between and they are both the same price. Looks like the second choice is better but I wanted to confirm and see if there is anything else other there that may be a better option. Just know, my screen preference is the 15", for some reason I do not like the larger 17".

Option 1: Asus G55VW-DS71

on ASUS ROG website[\url]
[url=http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834230403&Tpk=asus%20g55vw-ds71]on Newegg[\url]

Option 2: MSI GT60 0ND-250US

[url=http://www.msimobile.com/level3_productpage.aspx?cid=6&id=373]on MSI website[\url]
[url=http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152368&Tpk=GT60%200ND-250US]on Newegg[\url]

Any information is very much appreciated.
At $1500, you are almost at the price range for an i7/680m combo.


That's an MSI whitebook... plop in an i7 instead of the stock i5, click the $50 of orders over $1500 and you have a amazing gaming laptop for $1501 before cash discount and without an OS. (The 680m is a downclocked desktop GTX670 with slower RAM.)

You could also configure a Sager for around that price with 680m or 7970m. (The 7970m is almost as potent as the 680m, but much cheaper. The 7970m is a slightly downclocked desktop 7870.)

Of the two you list, the MSI is better as the 675m is easily better than the 660m. (granted it runs hotter and less efficient as the 675m a Fermi GPU as opposed to the Kepler 660m)

The ASUS isn't a bad choice, its just a tad overpriced for the hardware.