Solved! 3.5mm jack-to-jack with mic connected the other way around

Apr 19, 2019
I just got a new pair of bluetooth headphones. I also tested the wired quality of them and plugged in the jack-to-jack cable the other way around. I was wondering if this action has destroyed somehow the initial quality of the headphones as I noticed that the bluetooth volume goes much higher than the wired volume.
Apr 19, 2019
That cable shouldn't be directional so I don't think you can connect it the other way around. I don't think you did any harm.
I was able to connect them but the sound was clumsy and noisy. I did connect them the lther way and the sound was perfect yet still lower in volume than it would be on bluetooth. My question is: is the sound lower when i use the jacks because the phone doesn't deliver as much power to the headphones as the battery does on bluetooth mode OR is it because I connected them wrong in the first place ?There was no specific guide on how to connect the jacks.