8800m For Gaming

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Mar 10, 2011
I'm thinking about getting a gaming laptop to replace my gaming desktop. My only question is how well the 8800m can run modern games. I play at 1280x720 very happily and I like to turn up the eye candy, for me playable is anything above 20 fps and the game I'm most interested in is Battlefield Bad Company 2. Anybody that has that chip I would like to hear your experiences with it
Bought a used m15x off of ebay for $300, giving the card a hefty oc of 600/1500/1000(core, shaders, ram). 1280x720 still looks good to me and it does much better than 20 fps with every game I play. Far Cry 2 with the benchmark test on ranch small then ranch long using all high settings @ 1900x1200 it ran an average of 28fps and turning it down to 1280x720 boost fps up to 40
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