AC ASUS Charger/Adapter

Jan 28, 2019
Alright so I went ahead and purchased a ASUS Gaming Laptop; which is the ASUS FX503VD-DM087T. I've had this laptop for almost a year now; and it was working exceptionally well till the problem I encountered. While I was playing Arma 3; my laptop suddenly switched from AC to Battery mode. I wondered what could have caused this; thinking it may be the adapter or the battery, or even the power connector port. So I went ahead and checked the port and found nothing leading to the problem; as well as the battery. it was still in the same condition that it was when i first purchased this laptop. While the laptop was switching from AC to Battery; (oh this happens only when I'm gaming.) When I am not gaming; the laptop charges fine with the adapter and the notification does not appear. I thought it may be the adapter; so i went ahead and checked it. When I felt the adapter, it was scolding hot; (okay maybe not that hot, but it was hot). When i was thoroughly checking the adapter (Power Brick, Cable). I could visibly see the bent part of the cord, which is inserted into the power brick. I knew at that time that it was the Power Supply that was causing this.

It seems like I need a new adapter to replace this one; even though this one still works fine. I was wondering what kind of adapter I would need though. I went to the ASUS Website and searched for my laptop's specifications and saw that my laptop could use a 120W and a 180w Power Adapter. I am not sure which one I should purchase though. Because I don't want to end up damaging my laptop with the wrong Watts, The adapter that came with my laptop was the 120W. Which is shown below:


The new adapter to replace this one is the one below:

I just want to know if this 180W is safe to use for my laptop.

(PS: I'm sorry if this was posted in the wrong section of the forums)

No way!!! Far too many Amps. The Volts and the Amps should, ideally, be the same or at least the two when multiplied out to the same figure the originals do. Your original unit gives you 19 x 6.32 = 120.08.

Your suggestion give you 19.5 x 9.23 = 179.985 which is 59Wa ove rthe limit and that is a lot of spare Watt Amps - enough to kill a laptop.

If that's the case; then why does ASUS specify it on their website. It says it's compatible with the 120W and 180W Adapter. This is all confusing to me.. What sucks is that I already purchased the 180W Adapter. Looks like I'll have to spend another $50 on another one; even though the 180W cost me around $100.

Yeah, i hear you. On the back of my laptop, it says 120W.. oh well, i just purchased a 120w for a cheaper price.. problem solved, and still got the 180w for no absolute reason.

Even if I did use the 180W adapter for a minimal time, would it cause any harm for my laptop even if it’s just for a while?
In general, large wattages can be used for small wattages, and small wattages cannot be used for large wattages. If you are really afraid of hurting your laptop, you can buy a 120w power adapter again.