Alright so I went ahead and purchased a ASUS Gaming Laptop; which is the ASUS FX503VD-DM087T. I've had this laptop for almost a year now; and it was working exceptionally well till the problem I encountered. While I was playing Arma 3; my laptop suddenly switched from AC to Battery mode. I wondered what could have caused this; thinking it may be the adapter or the battery, or even the power connector port. So I went ahead and checked the port and found nothing leading to the problem; as well as the battery. it was still in the same condition that it was when i first purchased this laptop. While the laptop was switching from AC to Battery; (oh this happens only when I'm gaming.) When I am not gaming; the laptop charges fine with the adapter and the notification does not appear. I thought it may be the adapter; so i went ahead and checked it. When I felt the adapter, it was scolding hot; (okay maybe not that hot, but it was hot). When i was thoroughly checking the adapter (Power Brick, Cable). I could visibly see the bent part of the cord, which is inserted into the power brick. I knew at that time that it was the Power Supply that was causing this.
It seems like I need a new adapter to replace this one; even though this one still works fine. I was wondering what kind of adapter I would need though. I went to the ASUS Website and searched for my laptop's specifications and saw that my laptop could use a 120W and a 180w Power Adapter. I am not sure which one I should purchase though. Because I don't want to end up damaging my laptop with the wrong Watts, The adapter that came with my laptop was the 120W. Which is shown below:
The new adapter to replace this one is the one below:
I just want to know if this 180W is safe to use for my laptop.
(PS: I'm sorry if this was posted in the wrong section of the forums)
It seems like I need a new adapter to replace this one; even though this one still works fine. I was wondering what kind of adapter I would need though. I went to the ASUS Website and searched for my laptop's specifications and saw that my laptop could use a 120W and a 180w Power Adapter. I am not sure which one I should purchase though. Because I don't want to end up damaging my laptop with the wrong Watts, The adapter that came with my laptop was the 120W. Which is shown below:

The new adapter to replace this one is the one below:

I just want to know if this 180W is safe to use for my laptop.
(PS: I'm sorry if this was posted in the wrong section of the forums)