Acer 5742 blue light slowly on and off


May 29, 2010
hi there, I have a power issue with an acer 5742. it can be on one moment fine, then the next it will power off, then when it's turned back on you get nothing on the screen and the blue power light slowly flashes on and off. have tested the hard drive, all good, have replaced the i5 cpu with another and the same thing. have also replaced the power board switch. any idea's? thanks


Hi :)

You have read my sig,,, in my workshop, we have oscilloscopes and lots of other electronic testing equipment you have NOT got...

You don't like my advice fine, but that's all you get, I cannot spend the next week explaining all the tests we run on a lappy...

All the best Brett :)
thanks for your reply brett, i wasn't looking for you to explain the finer details, just whether the problem i am getting is a motherboard one. :/ i will seek a man with an oscillyscope 😉 thanks