Admin right/password on University computer

Aug 22, 2018
I am a postgraduate student in university. To install any software on the computer we call the IT dept as we need admin right on this computer. With few emails with approve from my supervisor we still get the admin right and have the full control on the computer. I preferred to call them than disturb my supervisor to approve another admin process while he waiting to hear about what I have done on my study than such things.
anyway, it is Christmas holiday 20/12 - 2/1, and there is a work on the department at this time so we advised to pick up our computer by 20/12 as there is power shutdown along holiday.
I got my computer home and when tried to access the internet, and continue my work-study, I missed I have to get the admin access from IT. I cannot use the computer now. I may lose all the holiday time with no progress as in January I have to submit my results.

The computer has the university domain (in its name) if it makes a difference
The IT does not work nor response email during this holiday so I kind stuck her.

any help to overcome the admin right, please. I do not want to format or make a big change on the computer as many license software and files there I need them.

Question from njaber09 : "Admin right/password on University computer"

I am a postgraduate student in university. To install any software on the computer we call the IT dept as we need admin right on this computer. With few emails with approve from my supervisor, we can get the admin right and have the full control on the computer. I preferred to call them everytime than disturb my supervisor to approve another admin process while he waiting to hear about what I have done on my study than such things.

anyway, it is Christmas holiday 20/12 - 2/1, and there is a work on the department at this time so we advised to pick up our computer by 20/12 as there is power shutdown and work along holiday. no access to offices.

I got my computer home and when tried to access the internet, and continue my work-study, I missed I have to get the admin access from IT. I cannot use the computer and run my software as I can't connect to the internet with no admin right. I may lose all the holiday time with no progress as in January I have to submit my results.

The computer has the university domain (in its name) if it makes a difference
The IT does not work nor response email during this holiday so I kind stuck her.

any help to overcome the admin right, please?. I do not want to format or make a big change on the computer as many licensed software and files there I need them.

More about : admin password university c