Adobe Goes After Apple in Ad Campaign

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This is my first post in toms and just like to put my 2 cents worth ( have been following this apple vs adobe thing on the net ). Adobe should just hunker down and come up with a kick-ass flash for the other platforms, webOS/Android/Symbian and what not. Flash is a dog and it's not obvious to most on a desktop because it's powered and have the power to handle it. It becomes a little more obvious in laptops when it is not attached to the power outlet. In a smartphone ( and iPad ), the current iteration will really not cut it. We can't throw in more hardware in a phone ( no ram upgrades etc ).

So far Adobe have not released anything for the smartphone ( Flash lite does not count ) to prove conclusively otherwise. All we got are some online videos .. release it to the masses and get it into users hands, prove Apple wrong and then blow your horn. Here's hoping that the 10.1 for Andoid is the start ( though I sincerely hope that the WebOS and the other platforms are not ignored either and I am also refering to those Android platforms less that version 2.1 ).


Aug 26, 2009
I visit Toms regularly for more than four years. Recently I noticed that we are being flooded by Apple news. I mean all sorts of them - informative, interesting but most of all stupid and totaly non hitech related.

Some guy fried his iPad and we all need to be informed by Toms?!?! Why don't they make a special section or another web site specialy for Apple. May be they should call it or

Don't get me wrong - I don't hate Apple nor their products. It's just that I hate monopolistic companies hiding behing fancy interfaces and shiny inames. I don't like being told what I can and can't upgrade or use.

Why is this site paying so much attention to Apple. I mean they are not even writing about their computers. All they write about is iPad, iPod, iPhone. Non of these are computers. If Toms are shifting towards the mobile hardware why can't I see more than 10 articles in the past 3 months about Nokia, SonyEricsson, Motorola, HTC etc ALL TOGETHER??? Why this special attention and treatment???

May be there is some special relation between Toms and Apple which is getting more and more obvious???

Please Toms answer my questions! We deserve to know the truth! You exist because of us readers. Or may be not?!?


Apr 28, 2009
Adobe should really tell Apple to suck it. Without Photoshop/Illustrator, the misinformation about Apple being better at artwork is over.

Adobe. Stop Supporting Apple.


Jul 22, 2009
Yes, it is worth highlighting that Flash isn't the only product in Adobe's portfolio. How many Mac owners use Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, Acrobat etc.? Adobe brings a LOT to the Macintosh platform in terms of content creation.


Sep 6, 2008
[citation][nom]Princeofdreams[/nom]And by that statement I guess it would be ok for all other manufacturers and software writers to block all apple products, got windows? can't use apple on it, no quicktime no itunes, microsoft would be on an anti trust investigation immediately, yet apple can get away with it... Screw apple[/citation]

MS, Google, Adobe and the likes should simply block software support and access to all MAC immediately. The MAC platform would be history by 2011!


[citation][nom]orionantares[/nom]The only reason Apple is locking out Flash is so they can sell games in their App store. Otherwise they know that most people would just go play the same games on a Flash game site.[/citation]
[citation][nom]the_krasno[/nom]I love flash games. Can you make HTML5 games as easily as with flash? Low power devices like ipod, iphones and the ipad can't handle true, hardcore gaming but they COULD be used to play flash games.But Apple won't let that happen. Because that would be free and not beneficial to them![/citation]
So true!


May 10, 2010
[citation][nom]dman3k[/nom]Adobe should really tell Apple to suck it....Adobe. Stop Supporting Apple.[/citation] You really expect Adobe to ditch over 50% of its revenue stream for something as trivial and terminal as Flash? Even Adobe acknowledges the writing's on the wall for Flash. Of course, in the meantime they will try to deflect as much flak as possible I can't quite comprehend why such a thorough tech site like Tom's attracts so many half-wits.


Mar 23, 2009
[citation][nom]usersname[/nom]This is patent nonsense. There are 10's of 1000's of games available via the App Store and not one of them depends on Flash.Apple is not removing a persons right to choose a product which supports Flash, they're stating that Flash is dated, sucks CPU cycles, drains batteries, has (exploited) security issues and is proprietary.You remain free to buy any Apple computer and run Flash in their desktop OS. The restriction applies to the area of small mobile devices where battery life is (arguably) better used by apps not ads.If Adobe had made Flash far more optimised years ago, I doubt Flash on iPhone OS would ever have been an issue. Look how they are desperately failing to squeeze it into Android without it crashing all the time.Of course, Apple could have taken the route of coding in something like ClicktoFlash allowing people the option to have Flash on or off but this would not have removed potential security risks and will have netted a ragtag crowd of devs who haven't a clue when it comes to the aesthetics of an apps design or respect for a platforms GUI guidelines. I use some PC apps and they have as much design consistency as a Jackson-Pollock.Face it...Within a couple of years 90% of Flash capabilities will have been met by HTML 5 tag calls to open standards codecs and frameworks. Within five years Flash will be all but forgotten.Adobe tried desperately to kill Flash when it was owned by Macromedia but did an abrupt about face once they'd bought the company. They made Flash relevant...but tech moves on and what was relevant yesteryear was relevant yesteryear.[/citation]

hey Steve, just a tip, when you were signing up and it asked you to write a username, it didn't mean literally write 'username', it meant write your username, in your case: 'Steve Jobs'.

I know you really have no idea when it comes to all this technical stuff, so I thought I'd just let you know.
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