All browsers showing strange hollow text. Possible Win7 issue?


Apr 9, 2009
For the last 2-3 years I've had this issue, but I've always just ignored it. Recently though, it's effecting more and more websites that I use daily which is really stressing me out!

Basically, any websites that uses certain font styles are showing up as "hollow text" on my computer.


I've tried a completely different installation of Win7, and it still does it.
ALL browsers show this issue, so it's not browser-specific.
No amount of searching has come up with any answers, nor even someone else with the same issue.

I'm left with the idea that the thing causing the issue is something to do with my hardware and not software at all, as the OS and Browsers have all changed versions etc and it still shows this stupid text - even after switching hard drives and a new installation of OS.

Can anyone suggest what's causing this?

If someone finds the answer, I'm sure a reward is in order as this is just too far out of my knowledge.
This might make me sound like an idiot, but how to I set the system font? I've had a look through some settings and what-not and can't see anything? I've tried playing with the Chrome settings for fonts and that still didn't change anything.
Well yeah this is what I thought. It's got a fresh and *different* copy of Win7 and it still does it. Strange thing of course though is that it doesn't do this on any application nor in say Word if I go through every font on my computer - still can't find one that looks like this?

I'm not sure how drives or my hardware could cause an issue like this, but that seems to be one of the only variables left.

Note though, that this has happened on the last 2-3 years worth of NVIDIA drivers, from something like 240.xx right up to now.
It could be the effect of a malware app or toolbar installed, run a full virus scan and then uninstall any programs, toolbars, etc. that you don't use or know about.
I have no toolbars installed, and am very very strict with malware protection. If you read the previous comments; this problem also stayed with me after a full windows reinstall, so it can't really be software I don't think.
All systems don't support all fonts just the some of them, this could happen if a font on a website is not fully recognised by your computer. Did your computer come with Windows 7 or did you add it later and how much ram do you have? Sometimes Windows 7 does not fully install on computers with lower Ram.
I have 16GB of 1600MHz RAM, so I doubt that comes into it 😉.

Both installs of Win7 were on a formatted drive, full copies.
I have all fonts installed including foreign fonts, and many of my own installed.

I believe it's a hardware issue.
I've had my graphics cards on 25% overclock for over 3 years straight and thrash them A LOT with the latest games on highest settings. Over the years they've got a little unstable at times, and I wonder if this has something to do with that.

I've never seen this issue before, and have never been successful in finding someone else online with the same issue - strange eh?

I've had this issues while using different motherboards, RAM, HDD. The only things that have stayed the same in the PC are the GPUs and CPU.
I've removed one / other one in the past, and ran them in the other way round. I haven't done this for a while though, so will test again when I can.

I haven't tried with a different PSU, as it's a 1100W (overkill I know) but 700-800W is needed really and I don't have one handy. I also don't know how a PSU could make this error appear? Is that just a random suggestion for trouble shooting, or is there a reason it could be related?

Stock speeds don't help.
I haven't tried with a different PSU, as it's a 1100W (overkill I know) but 700-800W is needed really and I don't have one handy. I also don't know how a PSU could make this error appear? Is that just a random suggestion for trouble shooting, or is there a reason it could be related?

If there's a problem on the 12v rail you can get all kinds of weird things show up. I'm assuming yours is a name brand, but even they can have a bad day.
It's actually a non-branded model, but don't judge it on that alone. Apart from it coming from the same factory as Corsair at the time (can't remember the name of the supplier now), it's always been cool, quiet and stable. 4x 12v rails and equal / more amps than most other branded 1100W PSUs at time of purchase.

I could always try using a different rail, or different cables? It has cables for up to 8x 6pin connections I believe.
You could go that route but it still leaves a question as to whether or not the supply is 100%. 4x rails doesn't necessarily mean totally independent. And, components age.

The only other thing I got (and it's a stretch) would be to try another video adapter, say AMD/ATI to completely eliminate NVidia drivers from the equation.

After that, I'm spent.
I had this problem for a few days, solved it by inspecting the element of the text in Firefox, finding the font type was Helvetica Neue. So I Downloaded a monstrous font pack and installed all fonts with the name 'Helvetica' in them, and the problem cleared up. Hope this helps :)

Prepare yourself, as I'm about to lay my seed in you.

I had actually checked the font, but had a 'Helvetica Neue' installed so I ignored it. After searching my fonts folder (I'm a designer, so have over 85,000 of them 😉 ) I found almost 200 results for Helvetica Neue, so I installed them all and IT WORKS 😀.

You have no idea how grateful I am.

Thank you. :bounce: