Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)
Do you mean that verizon will activate a phone that is not dual band or
is not brew?
CharlesH wrote:
> In article <cio4km$i4p$1@ratbert.glorb.com>,
> Steve Sobol <sjsobol@JustThe.net> wrote:
>>Not all carriers will activate phones they didn't sell. Cingular will, and
>>Verizon will. And Alltel will, I believe. For the others, listing phones that
>>*could* be used is ridiculous, since those carriers won't *allow* them
>>to be used.
> Let's see... Cingular will activate any compatibile phone (as does
> VZW). AT&T Wireless will only activate phones which they have sold
> (not just models they have sold; the actual physical phones, like
> SprintPCS). So what will happen when Cingular and A&T Wireless merge?
Do you mean that verizon will activate a phone that is not dual band or
is not brew?
CharlesH wrote:
> In article <cio4km$i4p$1@ratbert.glorb.com>,
> Steve Sobol <sjsobol@JustThe.net> wrote:
>>Not all carriers will activate phones they didn't sell. Cingular will, and
>>Verizon will. And Alltel will, I believe. For the others, listing phones that
>>*could* be used is ridiculous, since those carriers won't *allow* them
>>to be used.
> Let's see... Cingular will activate any compatibile phone (as does
> VZW). AT&T Wireless will only activate phones which they have sold
> (not just models they have sold; the actual physical phones, like
> SprintPCS). So what will happen when Cingular and A&T Wireless merge?