Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (
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End User Agreement
I understand that I am authorized under the Company Agreement to activate
service and to obtain equipment at a special rate as a result of my
affiliation with Comcast - employee >. I further acknowledge and understand
that I am receiving a special service plan rate based on Comcast - employee
>'s overall line attainment with Verizon Wireless. From time-to-time, my
rates may be adjusted to those associated with the actual total line
attainment of Comcast - employee >. I understand that I cannot terminate my
service without an EARLY TERMINATION FEE because of a rate adjustment to
which Comcast - employee > agreed; even if the Cellular Service Agreement
I acknowledge and understand that certain information relating to the
service, including name, mobile telephone number and monthly charge total
may be released to Comcast - employee >.
Verizon Wireless reserves the right to require proof of continued employment
with Comcast - employee > from me. If a review of my employment status with
Comcast - employee > reveals that I am no longer an employee of Comcast -
employee >, Verizon Wireless reserves the right to adjust the rates for the
period of time I was not a Comcast - employee > employee and switch me to a
commercially available consumer plan or to a non-discounted rate plan for
the remainder of my Cellular Service Agreement term.
"Killer Madness" <> wrote in message
> Yes, connections you don't obviously have...or you wouldn't have posted
> that. Too bad. Since you are aware of a Comcast discount you know a
> termination fee isn't included in anything that "Comcasters" get.
> "Richard Ness" <> wrote in message
>> Connections???? You mean TeamComcast and the discount
>> ALL Comcasters get??
>> "Killer Madness" <> wrote in message
>> news:Gi72d.27369$
>>>I never pay a termination fee or ridiculous fees that most people do.
>>>Having worked in the cable industry does give me good connections.
>>> "Quick" <> wrote in message
>>> news:1095280300.861088@sj-nntpcache-5...
>>>> Teddeli wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 14 Sep 2004 20:28:16 -0400, "Killer Madness"
>>>>>> god...thinking about that makes me sick since I'm a pathetic Verizon
>>>>>> customer again. I'll always bad mouth the phone line up...always!
>>>>> While I agree that the lineup of Verizon phones is not as good as
>>>>> other carriers I don't think the number difference is not that great.
>>>>> Just curious, why did you come back to Verizonwireless if you hate
>>>>> them so much? I don't love them either but I guess it doesnt bother me
>>>>> as much. I am very content with the coverage it gives me. To me, on a
>>>>> scale of 1-10 , coverage is number 1 all other factors tie for 10.
>>>> Exactly. He found a REALLY COOL phone at Cingular
>>>> (? maybe it was AT&T). Life was grand but eventually he
>>>> needed to make a phone call.
>>>> For some undisclosed reason he hates VZW. I think he was
>>>> happy to pay the ETF in order to support the competition when
>>>> he came back.
>>>> -Quick