AMD Phenom II X2 555 BE Unlock and Overclock on GA785GT-UD3H

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hey I thought the OC option was used to boost the performance using higher clock.
now I am using CnQ quiet liberally, and it seems to me that oveclocking works regardless of CnQ being enabled or not.
for ex.: my B55 running at 3.6 GHz with CnQ enabled, works between 800 MHz and 3.6 GHz depending on the CPU load. has never hampered the performance, and kept the temps low enough.
well if the CPU is running at 3.6 GHz and the loads are reaching more then 70% it tends to get hotter then 60c. which is my alarm temperature. but other then that CnQ does not hamper the performance of OC one bit.
so correct me if i am wrong in my assumption.

Problem comes in when you are OCing using EXTRA VOLTAGES since CnQ will kick in and reduce the voltage and speed and then when you start stressing the system it will switch the speed back up to the OC value but will not always increase the voltage causing an unstable OC in some cases !!

I agree, That's right for overclocks when using extra voltage.

but what about the 555s? my own 555 seems to run optimal at 1.25v
and when its a B55 it needs some extra juice and runs the best @ 1.375v for 3.6 GHz.
now my stock voltage as shown by HWmonitor, is 1.425v in dual core mode.
so does this mean that AMD has kept my CPU at a higher voltage? I mean 1.52 is the company specified limit.

so if the CPU is stable at stock voltages with the required unlock and overclock settings as well as CnQ enabled, is it not the best thing to happen?
U can save power when doing menial tasks like web browsing or watching a movies and have high performance when playing a game...

But if it is running it at 1.425v instead of what you say is optimal (1.375v) then you are producing extra unneeded heat when runnning under stress which is the worst time to be generating extra heat and may actually be reducing the life of the CPU due to increased temps so is CnQ really helping you ??

sorry if you misunderstood me,
i said 1.425 is the stock vcore that amd gave with the CPU, as in I plug in the CPU and with no changes whatsoever in the mobo bios .

I reduced it to 1.25 for 555. it works like a charm upto 3.6GHZ while in dual core mode @ 1.25.
Now when I unlock it needs more voltage to get a boot. i can get a B55 @ 1.325v @ 3.2GHz. and got a stable Overclock of 3.6 GHz @ 1.375v.

so even if CnQ is running enabled the Vcore voltage is locked @ maximum of 1.375v. so it will go uptill 0.94v @ 800MHz (lowest) but it wont go above 1.375v @ 3.6 GHz. (highest stable OC with normal tempratures)
I can get 3.8GHz @ 1.4v but temps jump around 45+ while idle. and I am not comfortable with that.
so in the end CnQ doesnt go over the limits you have placed. it just makes it possible to save power when I am not playing Games which is like 90% of the times. ( I have my Computer ON 24/7 everyday. infact I only restart it evry 3-4 days.) its a download server for movies and such.
so I can have my pie and eat it too. ( I can have a high end gaming CPU and have the power svings of an low end CPU)

just try it for a couple of days and then post your observations here. I would like something to compare you know.

here some data from the HWmonitor.
I would love it if you have some sujjestions for the GPU heat. Its and EVGA 9600 GSO 384. running at stock settings and stock cooler.


Ahh - I just misread the info !! - IF you are running it under the stock voltage and CnQ keeps it within that limit then I see no reason to disable it - I can't get into my Bios right now to try enabling it to see how it performs on my system (I have a wireless USB keyboard and it works on getting into the BIOS as the system boots but then the keys do not work once in the BIOS to make changes etc. - so the delete key is active at boot but then for some reason it disconnects and does not reconnect until it boots into windows ) - and the Cat chewed through the cable on my old ps2 wired keyboard that I had been using to make BIOS changes the other day - but will give it a try in a few days (when I get a new ps2 keyboard or splice\solder the old keyboard wire back together) - Since I am using 1.312v on my X3 720 with the 4th core unlocked @3.2Ghz which is also below the stock voltage for the chip ! (I currently idle at 36 - 42C depending on the room temp (it's getting pretty warm now here in Texas) but load temps remain pretty consistent at 56C max under prime95)

yeah we need some better cooling
do you have air conditioning in your room?
I am here in Mumbai, India. room temps currently hower @ 30 -33c and its night time. during the day i can expect 34c - 40c.
and I don't have any kind of room cooling except a Fan.

my loads frequently touch 58c and quiet easily go over 60c. even @ 50 - 70% CPU usage.

I definitely need a better cooling. but instead of investing in a CPU cooler for 50$ I will wait a few days and go for a room cooler that can get ambient temps below 30c. better for me too. :lol:
LOL - figure if your going to cool things down might as well let it cool you off as well!! - I'm not quite that warm here yet (room is currently 27C at 11AM ) -but they're calling for isolated thunderstorms in the area today so it's a it cooler than it has been lately and summer isn't quite here yet.

I was lucky and got a Coolermaster TX3 for $4.99 from Newegg (they had them on sale for $14.99 including shipping and had sent me a $10 off next purchase code !!) - so it keeps things pretty cool when it is running under load and the new system with a 5770 GPU is much cooler than my old system with a 7800GS (that thing could of been used as a room heater during the winter while gaming !) Here's a HWmonitor screen of my system currently with the room temp at 27C :

Last night, after mw2 crashed again, I've decided to lock back the 2 cores. The results were visible at first sight. The CPU fan never reached 4500RPM while with the quad it got to ~5500RPM. When I play games the CPU doesn't even reach 55*C while the quad(the individual cores are cooler by -6 degrees celsius), in the last period of time, reached 60*C. I've played MW2 like for a couple of hours and no crash, no loud fan noise, the same performance. It seems I have a defective core. Now, here are the usual questions of mine:

1)When I've entered BIOS after the crash, the +12V was at 11.80 or so.
2)Now that I am running a dual core, should I decrease the voltage back to 1.25?(now it's 1.35)
3)How can I see which core is defective?
4)Can an overclocked X2 555 reach an unlocked X4 B55?

That's about it.
Read several threads on the internet about mw2 crashes. They all sounded like "whatever game here freeze on ati radeon xxxx",. No crashes till' now but gonna see in the future. Maybe I do have a good x4. Gonna report soon.

MW2 crashes constantly. its a poorly coded game, so don't necessarily blame you hardware.
Still, I'm gonna play mw2 for hours and see if it freezes. If it does, then I can happily unlock my CPU back. If it does'nt... Well, gonna play till' it does :lol:
What about the voltage. Should I decrease it?

as long as temps are fine, you dont need to decrease voltage. but personaly i would prefer to do so anyway to get it running at the lowest stable voltage. less heat is always better.

Best way to determine that would be to run a prime95 session for several hours - or until one of the cores fails --- Prime95 will continue running the other 3 tests after one fails and just shuts down the core that had the problem -- Which would be the bad core !!

Leave your CPU voltage at 1.38v+ regardless if it is running as a 555 or B55..

Once you find stability you can go ahead and lower the voltage but remember if you go too low it will crash again 😉

The cores are not faulty, especially if you are able to MW2. The reason it might be crashing may be due to video drivers or just a few settings that you need to adjust in the Bios. At 3.2Ghz as a B55 you should be able to find stability quite easy, play with your Bios settings, troubleshoot, compare my Bios settings to yours.

You can aslo try running the CPU as an x3 leaving the last core disabled.

And last but not least, get a cooler as soon as possible 😉
had no time to play any game . Busy writing something. I will increase the voltage to 1.35 as a x4, tun prime95 and see if a core is damaged. If not, gonna see what I can do.

download gigabyte easytune6 it displays your CPU core voltage goto to see how to do this, also this software unlocks the cores for you and good for overclocking