AMD Phenom II X2 555 BE Unlock and Overclock on GA785GT-UD3H

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Have you ever try to set LLC manually?

I have all voltages set "auto" but vcore and dram voltage, and I have changed the CPU multiplier and the ram speed. At CPU screen I have all setting like yours.
So if i set the values at a lower number then instead of -2 as it does on default with Hybrid and Auto set then does that mean its down clocking teh cores ?

I've just saw how the room temp influences the CPU temp. I woke up at 5 AM and outside is quite dark(the sun isn't really up yet). The CPU temp was at 45C... And remained like that until now, at 5:50. Now it's rising cuz' the sun is rising.
When I'll get the cooler, the CPU will have lower temps even if outside there are 30*C?

The outside temp will always influence the CPU temp -- Air cooling can not cool the CPU temp below the ambient temp - but the improved cooler will make the CPU run closer to the ambient temp than a stock cooler, so yes you will get lower temps even in a warm room (the idle temp will normally run X degrees above the ambient temp but the better the heatsink at removing the heat the lower X will be.)
OK.I'm getting closer and closer to buying the 212+. I can't wait! One of my friend's PC restarted a couple of times because of the heat. Luckily, no restarts of freeze-ups for me 😀

That's usually a sign that you are pushing the limits on the PSU a bit too closely (as the temps rise the output from the PSU drops a bit and if you are close to the limit of the PSU it will reach a point where it can no longer provide a steady source of enough power and the system will shut down. -- your friend might want to look into getting a larger PSU if this is the case since as the PSU ages it will also lose some capacity and the system might start to become unstable even at cooler temps.
I've measured the distance between the motherboard and the edge of the case. It's only 15-16cm so the 212+ won't fit. Should I look for another cooler or is it okay to just remove the side panel(I've removed it to see if the case temp will lower but the temps were the same. This is a good sign because it means the airflow is not messed up, right?

im sorry, not sure if you alredy posted this but can you give us a link to your case?
You need a case more than you need a CPU cooler. My suggestion would be saving up a bit more for a case with better airflow. You need a case that can properly exhaust the hot air out the rear/top if you plan on overclocking that CPU to its limits.

What is your total budget?
Also, are you keeping that case in that tight of a space? Take the case out of there and allow it to breath. Definitely keeping it confined in that area isn't helping with air flow and no amount of cooling will help short of using liquid nitrogen.

Sorry for the triple post but I have to say something.
Samuel, you are somehow right! I have moved my PC on the desk, behind the monitor. 47*C Idle. 😀 at the start but then gets up to 50 but gets low again, so the space is really not the problem, but I will keep my PC up here. The temps are lower then "down there" 😛
Now, I don't know, should I really buy a new case and wait a looong time to get a new cooler or should I buy the cooler and leave the case for later?
If you get a decent case that idle will actually be lower because you will have better heat transfer. The case that you currently have is not exhausting the heat properly and that is the reason your CPU idle is @ 47c. With the stock cooler at stock clocks you should at least get a 42c idle on the CPU (x4 B55), this of course with an ambient around 75F.
Here is a diagram so you can get an idea of how the aiflow works when you upgrade the case. Going to use the Antec 300 as an example :



It's because you are restricting air flow having it in a confined space like that. Also, what can happen is if it's ejecting the hot air out of the back and there isn't a good pathway for that air to go, it can be sitting around the case, causing your temperatures around the case to cause the temperatures inside to stay high.

I haven't kept my CPU case in a confined space like that for almost 10 years now. I keep it on the desk. Sure, it takes up some desk space, but it keeps my case cool.