Hi, Guys... I am a student in Hamburg (Germany).. in search of an overall good notebook i found AMD Turion Notebook from ASUS (A6KT-Q001H) exact model not available on asus website
Turion 64 Mobile MT-34,1024 MB RAM ATI Mobility Radeon X160015,4
at € 1199. U can find the link here http/www.alternate.de/html/shop/productListing4C.html?cat1=036&cat2=999&cat3=000&treeName=HARDWARE&Level1=Notebooks&Level2=Ger%E4te&.
(How is it for upcomming windows vista... and for linux flavors..)
It has a SiS 756 ... How is it ?... Because the most important thing in a motherboard which controls all the things mostly is (Northbridge+Southbridge)... Please comment on this ...
Also the same notebook is with NVIDIA GeForce Go 7300... so which one to choose for new games? Thanks a lot in advance.
Turion 64 Mobile MT-34,1024 MB RAM ATI Mobility Radeon X160015,4
at € 1199. U can find the link here http/www.alternate.de/html/shop/productListing4C.html?cat1=036&cat2=999&cat3=000&treeName=HARDWARE&Level1=Notebooks&Level2=Ger%E4te&.
(How is it for upcomming windows vista... and for linux flavors..)
It has a SiS 756 ... How is it ?... Because the most important thing in a motherboard which controls all the things mostly is (Northbridge+Southbridge)... Please comment on this ...
Also the same notebook is with NVIDIA GeForce Go 7300... so which one to choose for new games? Thanks a lot in advance.