C Copyright Distinguished May 24, 2004 1 0 18,510 May 24, 2004 #1 tried to unlock my cpu (^^ as the thread) but it didnt work by unlocking the L1. what wlse do I have to do?
tried to unlock my cpu (^^ as the thread) but it didnt work by unlocking the L1. what wlse do I have to do?
marneus Distinguished Dec 31, 2007 10 0 18,560 Jun 10, 2004 #2 U might be stuck with a locked CPU, my barton 2500 was a newer one & so is completely locked, all I can do is boost the FSB... Trust me I know what I'm doing... ooops, grab the cat...
U might be stuck with a locked CPU, my barton 2500 was a newer one & so is completely locked, all I can do is boost the FSB... Trust me I know what I'm doing... ooops, grab the cat...