an unknown virus that can't be scanned has infected my pc

Yahshua Friend

Nov 26, 2014
I was playing doom with doomseeker, and the program was downloading wads and pk3 for the mods to play online
After that, I play online, and my PC lags. I check the task manager and some program recently installed was taking up the CPU. It is called isaxela.exe made by Anubesi somethin something. I tried deletong it at the source, ran into permission problems and when I got past that it made another copy of it. Delete, return. I know its a virus know because when I took out my WiFi adapter, it called down, though still there. Tried scanning it, doesn't work. I need a doctor 🙁
If this is really a Virus, there is nothing to do reinstall Windows See some reasons here :

If there is a virus, then your computer is compromised since this Virus may hide itself in many windows files and even deleting could not solve the problem since it will come back.
The thing is, this anubesi corp guy has more out there and this is probably just one of them, its not making things popup or crashing things but it slows stuff down, I dont want to install windows all over again just for that, plus I don't have the installation disk