Android Thumbnail Headaches


May 4, 2013
Hello!I bought an prestigio multiphone 4040 duo,but when I take a single picture and go to see it in my gallery,I get an notification that my internal SD card space is low.Then I entered in my internal storage,entered in the .thumbnails folder,and saw that the thumbnail file`s SIZE IS 1,9 GIGABYTES.And every time when I take a picture,I must go to that folder,delete the stupid file and then make another one.Thanks for the help :pt1cable:
Is it a rooted ROM, like Cyanogenmod? Or is a stock ROM in which you have gained access to root?

If it's a stock ROM, you'll need to find the rooted version online and flash it. If you were to try and do a factory reset with the factory ROM as backup, it will revert you to non-root status and you'll need to start all over. It's much easier to flash a ROM that's rooted by default.

If the ROM is rooted by default, like Cyanogenmod or MIUI, then you can go into the bootloader using the volume up + power combo. Find and select the factory reset option using the volume keys to navigate and the power button to make selections.
if its a recent occurance then as suggested above you may want to try flashing your rom. i've had some strange issues in the past with miui and flashing solved the problems. do remember to always keep a backup copy of your original rom and also to keep a rom zip file on your internal sd card as a just in case measure.


i agree with your signature but that blue blob drives me nuts!

No,the ROM is stock.I decided to root it.There are no recoveries or ROMs for my phone 😀