Any good C tutorials?


Mar 18, 2007
I just started learning C today. I've had previous experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Visual Basic, and some C++.

I started off this THIS tutorial, which I thought was pretty good. Just dove in head first and did some programming. Unfortunately, I finished all those examples, so I'm looking for something else. I'm having troubles finding more tutorials online, as it all seems to be either C++ or C#. So are there any good websites for learning C? If not, any recommended books? Thanks.

- Pyro
The best way to learn is try, but if you used visual basic, C isn't a problem, are too similar. I don't remember a good one, i'm in my work, but when arrive to my home, i see the name that the manual that I used and tell you.
I believe the title of the book is "Learn c in Thirty days" that is pretty extensive. Plus there is a neat pocket reference by O'REILLY publishing called "c syntax and fundamentals," with a cow on the cover. Borders should have both of them.

Thanks, I'll have to check that out :) Anything in particular that's higher on the priority list that I should investigate?

not really, i guess get as good as possible with pointer and memory management (remembering to free memory no longer needed)

the documentation thing is obviously only for api's you want/need to use