Apps quit functioning once moved to the micro sd card


Apr 17, 2015
i have a 32GB micro sd hc card. I have tried to move apps to the card to free up space on my phone. Once I do it, I get a black android logo with a small sd in the corner. When Trying to launch the app the phone tells me that I need to reinstall the app. Then, I have my camera set to save pix right to the sd card. after attempting to move apps, the phone won't save pix to the card either. It says incorrect format. I'm so confused. I just want to free up space on my phone.
Due to restrictions placed by Google, there are certain apps that cannot be moved to external storage (although your micro-SD card is inside, it's still considered to be "external storage")---like widgets. There are others that require the widget to be in internal storage (the device) in order to work. BTW, for those who also use a PC, some widgets can behave like desktop shortcuts.