Are laptop keyboards cleanable (internally)?


Oct 25, 2014
My numpad has a soup problem that happened a while ago. Everything else works fine. I've taken regular keyboards apart before to clean congealed gunk out of them but, prior to trying that with the laptop, I'd like to at least make sure that laptop keyboards are similar enough in general to do the same repair with them. I have a Samsung NP-RF711-S02US and it looks like a bit of a bear to get the keyboard out from what I've seen on Youtube.

I also would like to replace the WIFI adapter and possibly clean out the fan and heatsinks, if necessary, to try and get it to run a little cooler. Not sure if laptop heatsinks need cleaning like desktop ones do. Any helpful tips with those, especially on where to run/not run a third WIFI antenna or where I can find a WIFI adapter whitelist, would also be appreciated.
It is highly risky to do so. TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK. Usually, different manufacturers use different keyboard installation techniques and it can be accessed after removing the mobo. I never did anything like this and no one recommends it.
It is highly risky to do so. TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK. Usually, different manufacturers use different keyboard installation techniques and it can be accessed after removing the mobo. I never did anything like this and no one recommends it.