[Ask] Asus ROG GL503VD - DOTA 2 FPS


May 14, 2016

I have bought myself my first gaming laptop which is Asus ROG GL503VD Hero Edition.

The specs are :
RAM 8GB DDR4 2400mhz
Nvidia GTX 1050 4GB
120hz Screen

I tested only 2 games up until now which is Overwatch and DOTA 2. In Overwatch I got around 80-90fps with high settings, but in DOTA 2 i only got 70-80 with max settings (Best Looking option, Vsync off, fps limiter at 120fps). A I tried to lower the settings but it still couldn't improve the fps, even when I set it to the lowest setting (Fastest option) it still goes around only 80fps while I expect it should go up to 100+ fps.

I also tried to change some settings from Nvidia Control Panel (from searching to several forums) but it still didn't not improve at all. So I'm beginning to wonder whether is it the max fps my laptop could get in DOTA 2 or it should be higher? Perhaps anyone with the same or similar laptop specs could share their experience, thanks.
I have the same laptop and i'm running into the same issue. I've updated BIOS and all drivers. Yet, i still have issues with gaming performance and black screens. Did you ever solve your issue?
Fps isn't a gpu function, it's cpu. The cpu decodes all the strings, processes, services, data etc and decides what to send to the gpu. It does this for every single frame and the info is all the same no matter what resolution or graphics setting. The gpu then takes that info and translates it into a picture frame at your settings and resolution. The stronger the gpu, the faster it'll do this and the higher the settings can be. It does this for every frame. As soon as the frame is out of buffer, it demands the next frame from the cpu, renders it, adds to buffer and waits for the monitor refresh to allow the buffer to clear, and repeat. The faster it gets the picture up, the faster the demand from the cpu, and you get higher fps. Upto the point where the cpu starts to struggle to supply the gpu or the gpu starts to struggle to get the picture up, and thats when you get max fps.

Lowering settings can and does impact the cpu as now the gpu doesn't have to work as hard, so is able to put the picture up faster, putting more demand on the cpu. If the cpu is already struggling, then it will not supply the frames needed and your fps barely changes. Maxing out gpu bound settings and relaxing cpu bound settings can help. This means things like add AA, set physX on gpu, max out character detail and shadows, but lower things like grass detail and viewing distance. This makes the gpu work harder, but gives the cpu a break. This will give better, smoother playability even if you don't feel the fps is high enough.

Fps is just a number, as long as the game play is smooth and the picture is good, the actual number is meaningless.

You have a 4c/8t cpu running 8Gb of ram with a gtx1050. Don't expect miricles with every game simply because it's a 120Hz monitor. You'll only get close to that with a 1060/6 running 16Gb of ram in a majority of games, not all. With a 1050 expect most games to average @60fps, if you get more, that's great, but some will get less, even a few will get far less.