Asrock Fastboot no power


Sep 30, 2013
hey so basically tried to activate the asrock fastboot program, I opted for "fast mode" and hit apply, I shutdown the program rebooted my pc and shut it down again but my problem is once its done everything and its then ready when I press my power button its totally non responsive I've tried random keyboard presses and moving the mouse but nothing seems to power my pc on
I also had problems with ASRock's FastBoot, but not same as you. On my PC it prevented me from bringing up BIOS Setup or the Boot Menu (no splash screen, just went straight to Windows. No good to me like that, I'm always needing to boot from different devices). Windows 7 starts relatively quickly from cold boot anyway (12 seconds) so no big deal without FastBoot.

Unplug your PSU or switch it off with it's rocker-switch if it has one.
Now come round the front again, press and hold in the power button for 30 seconds, then release.
Now restore power to the PSU.
Press power button at the front like you do normally to start it up.
yeah I can get it to power back on by unplugging psu and putting it back in but id quite like to take advantage of fastboot and the whole unplugging psu resets the fastboot