ASUS Ai Suite 3 - Fan Issue?


Jun 9, 2014
Hello everyone,

I recently did the ASUS 5 way optimization with my computer. Everything seemed to work fine (overclocked to 4.5ghz with 1.25V with 4690k), but I have a question about the fan optimization.

All my fans are noctua:

NF-S12B redux-1200 PWM > back exhaust
NF-P14s Redux-1500 PWM > 2x front intakes and 1 back-top exhaust
NF-P14r Redux-1500 PWM > CPU Cooler fan

The thing is, after the optimization, all my fans had a minimum rpm of 0 except the back exhaust fan (NF-S12B redux-1200 PWM) and CPU fan. Why don't these fans have a minimum RPM of 0 like the other noctuas? This bothers me because when im casually browsing the internet, 3 of my fans are off (cpu temp is 30) but the back exhaust and cpu fans still run at their minimums of 300-450 rpm, and I would like to have all my fans turn off for complete silence.

Adjusting the fan charts doesn't allow me to change the fans to 0 rpm for any temperatures (except the 3 that are able to do 0 rpm). Changing modes does not change anything either. Does anyone know if the AI Suite 3 permanently keeps the cpu and back exhaust fans running at a minimum, maybe for safety precautions?

Thanks guys!

Asus z97-A
XFX 380x
i5 4690k
Windows 10

I can't imagine it's the fan, any fan should have the capability to be off. It seems like an issue with the AI suite. Is that fan labeled the same as the others? Mine are called Chassis fan 1-4, and one called Assistant fan. The assistant fan has the auto stop box, but not the sliders for acceleration and deceleration, so even though the fans are exactly the same, the software treats...
I have a z87 Gryphon with AI Suite 3, and NF-A14 PWM fans. I am able to get all seven fans in my case (two cpu, the rest chassis fans) to 0. For all of the chassis fans there is a checkbox called Auto-Fan Stop that must be checked to get them to drop to 0. For the CPU, I just dragged the first blue dot to 10%, but since the fan can't handle a voltage that low it just shuts off. I saved this as the default silent profile, and whenever I select it all fans shut off and show 0 rpm in AS3.

Thanks Gen,

I was able to select "Auto-Fan Stop" for 3/4 of the chassis fans, but the back exhaust fan (one that does not go to 0 rpm) does not have that option, and still has the minimum rpm of 446. Hmm, any thoughts? Could it be this fan model can't go to zero? I don't believe thats the cause though, since its pwm just like the other noctuas.

I can't imagine it's the fan, any fan should have the capability to be off. It seems like an issue with the AI suite. Is that fan labeled the same as the others? Mine are called Chassis fan 1-4, and one called Assistant fan. The assistant fan has the auto stop box, but not the sliders for acceleration and deceleration, so even though the fans are exactly the same, the software treats them differently.

If the labels are the same, I'd try swapping the uncooperative fan to a different header just to rule out the fan itself being a problem.