Would like to understand the problem updating my BIOS. Have an ASUS TUF Gaming FX505GT laptop. Its got ez flash utility 3 - v3.00. Tring to update bois v303 to 305, see if it solves some bluesceen issues. dl'ed Bios 305 from asus site, extracted it, put it in several locations i can't access. cant access /c or /d drive from the flash utility in BIOS. put it on a flash drive, tried fat32 format, tried passport drive too. Won't access. Utility only gives me option fs0 [256m] <dir> efi and <dir> systemvolume. efi subdir /windows and /boot. Tried to even throw the file in c/windows/boot but it won't let me write to that location in windows. Don't know how to make flash utility see more than the one drive. Is this a good one for ya'? Looked high and low on the internet. Shows I should have proper options for drive locations in the utility. Any Idea why I don't?