Solved! Asus g73jh Shuts down


Jul 5, 2011
Please someone help me! im a huge gamer, own every moder console and many games. I bought this laptop septempber 2010 because ive always wanted to play games like crysis and Total war games like shogun total war on very high settings and this seemed like a great option. I was definitley satisfied untill recently after i installed an update for shogun total war my laptop started to shut down after i played for about 5-10 mins....i figured it was the update but after trying all my other games it still did the same thing. i event went back to factory settins reinstalled all my games...and still the problem persist.....everything else works fine. I can surf internet, ect. I have an asus g73jh i7 q720. ive updated my drivers....please i want to play my games its why i bought this laptop, help me anyone!


Nov 29, 2010

Your computer is shutting down because the graphics card is overheating most probably, please download GPU-Z ( )

And tell me the temperatures of the laptop.
If you are running at 80 C when you aren't doing any gaming or anything, then you need to follow my steps below:

To fix the heat issue, clean up the inside of the G73! Dust Dust Dust!!!
Also, change the thermal compound on the GPU and CPU... use something like Artic Silver.
Make sure you use a can of compressed air on the laptop about every 2-3 months, make sure that you insert a straightened paper clip to help keep the fans from spinning while using the compressed air... (otherwise you'll kill the fans...)
re-apply new thermal compound every 12-18 months.. basically, whenever the average temperature starts to go back up, you should get ready to change the thermal compound.
After first applying the grease, use laptop at max for 2 hours, then turn it off for about 30 minutes (then you can restart the process...), for the first couple of days... so that the compound can set in right.

Don't download drivers from the official amd (ati) website.
You have to download them from the ASUS G73(jh) driver page. Asus tweaks the hardware, therefore, you need a driver that is on the same page, getting a general driver from AMD won't help...

After a week of using the laptop for a maximum of 2 hours at a time (and a 30 minute shutdown break inbetween 2 hour periods), you can get back to normal use..

Not recommended that you use the laptop for more then 6-7 hours at a time on regular use.

I'd recommend you take your laptop to a shop that you trust to get it fixed, if your unconfortable doing it yourself.

This was my solution, because I had the exact same problem a week ago, I took it to a local computer shop, and they opened it up, changed the thermal compound, and cleaned out all the dust, and now I'm running at 45-55 C for the graphics card on idle.


Jul 5, 2011
I downloaded the GPU-Z here are my temperatures, please reply, i really appreciate you trying to help.

gpu temp: 79.0c

gpu temp. #1: 70.0c

gpu temp. #2: 79.0c

gpu tmep. #3: 74.5c

Please let me know what yo think


Nov 29, 2010

Your temperatures are WAY TOO HIGH. :non: The temperatures should be more like 45-50 degrees celsius for it to be cool enough.
I'd recommend you going taking your laptop ASAP to a shop and let them replace the thermal compound with the real deal, I got Artic Silver 5 and I'm running at 50 C on idle. Please, get the thermal compound replaced. If you want to do it yourself, you can order a shot of Artic Silver on amazon. And watch this video on how to take a part the G73jh: