ASUS GL551 Disassembly?


Feb 4, 2015
Hello all, I am just wondering if anyone here knows where I might find a service manual/Disassembly Manual for an ASUS GL551 (or similar) laptop. I have tried emailing their customer support as well as looking through google and have had no luck so far. Any help is much appreciated, thank you.
The closest thing I'm aware of is an upgrade guide, which really only shows how to access a few components and how to replace them. Asus does not provide tear down information, so if you cannot find anyone that has uploaded a tutorial, you are basically left with taking a stab in the dark if you do it yourself.

Do you mind me asking why, in particular, you want to disassemble it?

First off, thank you for the reply. To answer your question, the screen on my new (refurbished from newegg) gl551 seems to have problems with the backlight (goes black on me after a while) and I would like to replace the screen. Correct me I'm wrong but my understanding is that since I bought it as a refurb. I don't have a warranty.

That may not be true! You have a money back guarantee from Newegg, at least. My suggestion is to either contact Asus by phone or by email, and be sure to have the laptop's serial number available. The GL551 is a fairly new model, so it may still be eligible for a warranty, even if a limited one.