Asus GL703GM Random Restarts

Aug 8, 2018
Hi Everyone,

My recently acquired laptop model Asus ROG Strix GL703GM has been randomly restarting out of the blue. Now, this happens every couple of days (2-3 days) and usually when im browsing online or working. Never during intensive activities such as gaming or rendering.

This has been happening for a month and a half now and had to RMA it once when it wouldnt even turn on anymore. Asus replaced the motherboard and gave it back. I hoped that the random restarts would have gone away with the faulty motherboard but aparently they havent. It has happened two times already in a span of 8 days.

Something interesting that happens when the system freezes and restarts, is that the keyboard does its "turning off" animation of the LED lights, they start shutting off from the left side all the way to the power button's side. It strikes me as very odd since a total system crash wouldnt be trigerring the shutting off animation on the keyboard.

I have all up-to date drivers on the graphics card and the ASUS assistant nor windows report any possible new drivers.

Event manager used to show error 41:
Critical - Kernel Power - 41 - The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.

...but my laptop just crashed and restarted while watching youtube and the error or any other critical error wasnt shown on the event viewer. The only errors mentioned minutes before the crash were:
*** Error ID 1023 - source Perflib -Windows cannot load the extensible counter DLL rdyboost. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section contains the Windows error code.

*** Error ID 10016 - Source Distributed COM - The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Launch permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
to the user NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM SID (S-1-5-18) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC) running in the application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.

Im starting to get desperate and have tried online recomendations like updating drivers, managing heat inside the system with undervolting (the laptop does tend to run hot but not thaaat hot while webbrowsing (50*C), avoid having peropherals connected to the laptop, Stress testing the laptops CPU and memory with Intel Extreme Utility, and the graphics card with CINEBENCH OpenGL and CPU. Laptop always passes the tests and seems very stable.

Thanks in advanced to anyone willing to help, I can also provide any further information upon request.


Thanks for reaching out Lutfij.

******The BIOS was recently updated by windows i believe. This is what i currently have on it

BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. GL703GM.301, 2018-04-13
SMBIOS Version 3.1
Embedded Controller Version 255.255

***** Could a short on the wall outlet make a laptop randomly restart? Ill connect the laptop's power cord to another wall outlet.

***** Ill also try a "Reset this PC" in case windows got corrupted somehow.
-This lets you choose to keep your personal files or remove them, and then reinstalls Windows-

Do you think everything is ok with the BIOS status?
Thanks for the advice Lutfij and ill let you know if the laptop randomly restarts again!

Ok, changing the wall outlet didnt have any effect. It just restarted while I was idle speaking to a friend on discord.

This is an image of the event manages right after the system restarted:

Warning 2018-08-10 20:51:42 Netwtw06 6062 None
Warning 2018-08-10 20:51:41 User Device Registration 360 None
Error 2018-08-10 20:51:38 CertificateServicesClient-CertEnroll 86 None
Error 2018-08-10 20:51:34 Service Control Manager 7000 None
Error 2018-08-10 20:51:34 Service Control Manager 7009 None
Warning 2018-08-10 20:51:33 DeviceSetupManager 200 None
Warning 2018-08-10 20:51:33 DeviceSetupManager 202 None
Error 2018-08-10 20:51:31 Application Error 1000 (100)
Error 2018-08-10 20:51:31 .NET Runtime 1026 None
Warning 2018-08-10 20:51:30 DeviceSetupManager 201 None
Warning 2018-08-10 20:51:30 DeviceSetupManager 202 None
Warning 2018-08-10 20:51:30 DeviceSetupManager 200 None
Warning 2018-08-10 20:51:30 DeviceSetupManager 202 None
Warning 2018-08-10 20:51:25 Kernel-PnP 219 (212)
Error 2018-08-10 20:51:30 Eventlog 1101 Event processing
Critical 2018-08-10 20:51:24 Kernel-Power 41 (63)
Error 2018-08-10 20:51:30 EventLog 6008 None
Error 2018-08-10 19:04:20 DistributedCOM 10016 None

I can provide you with the details of any of those events...

This one i have never seen before
Warning 2018-08-10 20:51:25 Kernel-PnP 219 (212)
The driver \Driver\WUDFRd failed to load for the device ACPI\INT3400\2&daba3ff&1.

My next step will be to format all and reinstal windows.

Ill keep you updated

How have you solved the problem?
Following this thread. I have the same model and today suddenly have the same problem. I can see Windows 10 did an update yesterday and then there were updates to that update. I've cleared space, done a disk clean, registry fix, frag, etc. etc. It's not running hot at all. Just really blows.
I can tell you that I bought this notebook last week. While I was installing the "basic" programs, he started to reboot from nothing, without an apparent reason. I then performed a system restore, I waited for Windows to perform all the updates and then I started to install the various programs. After installing "Google Chrome", the computer has restarted itself. I continued to use it but since then it has never restarted itself. I can not give myself an explanation. My fear is that in a little 'time it restarts to reboot without a reason. Right now, after a week of use between Gaming, office use and internet browsing, it never has not been restarted by itself. I will let you know if it will starts to reboot randomly again.

Hi there, sorry for disappearing for so long.

Since i was moving to a new city, I didnt have time to reinstall windows and all the process... The last thing i did over 2 months ago was to update my windows and never hibernating the laptop. That seems to have fixed the issue. I havent tried hibernating again to see if it would restart partly because i do wish that was the problem heheheh. I read somewhere online that some people also had rebooting problems when they were hibernating their computers. I also updated my GPU drivers to the version 411.63 date: 19/9/18 and havent thought about updating it again since everything is working fine atm...

Jennstx and Sparda95, are you also using the hibernate mode? try going for a while without it.... i know the logic makes no sense but just give it a try and let us know if that also worked for you.

Oh, im also always running balanced mode and on the advanced tab i set the HDD to never fall asleep when plugged in.

Hope this sheds some light on the problem or someone who knows better pitches in!

Kind Regards,

Edit: I also read online that Chrome might be the culprit, but since i really like it, avoiding hibernating seems to be just easier...
I had a similar problem with my Asus ROG Strix, the issue was cracked windows, at least that is what they told me at the Asus store. I immediately got the registered and original windows and now no problem.
Hope it helped somehow.

Did your laptop came with the fake Windows or you installed it afterwards? (no judging, just trying to get as much information so we can all figure the reboots out) Should we double check the windows license? Mine says its authentic and came with the laptop....