ASUS laptop fan speed


Dec 3, 2014
I have an ASUS laptop model K52F running Windows 7 Home Premium.

Up until this past Monday, I could "hear" the fan running when when the laptop was being used......I would hear it speed up to full speed when I was using it heaving for long periods of time, and then slow down when it's use was idle.

Then, Tuesday, I noticed it feeling warmer than usual, could smell it, and noticed I could not hear the fan.

Shut it down, let it sit for a few hours, turned it back on, and the same fan and running hot.

Shut it down, opened the back case, used can air and blew out the dust bunnies. Turned it on with case open to observe, and saw that the fan is running at it slow speed.....but it never speeds up when things start getting hot.

Any idea of what could be the problem here. Seems the fan is ok, not making any strange noises when it is running, and I don't see it laboring to run.....looks fine, just won't speed up when needed.
try to spinn it up with speed fan its a free program to control you fans.
other wise you may need to open youre pc and check the fan for dust or oil it in.
last one fix this problem for my old laptop of my sister

hope i helped you
I did open it up and blew the dust out. Fan spins freely without any bind, no indication of bearing failure.

I just tried speed fan, I know where to find the speed controls in speed fan, but nothing shows up for my computer. The only thing it shows is the temps.


BTW -- laptop WAS controlling it's own speed successfully up until 2 days ago........I need to figure out why it isn't, instead of just manually speeding up the fans.
sorry for the late response.

if there is no option its main that the manufacturer of your laptop has bocked the option to chance the pwm rate of your fan
so you cant chance it i think so only when you go in bios maybe

edit- maybe beacuse you its only the last 2 days the pwm (pulse with modulation) is broken or the thermostat