Tiger Direct has an Asus A53SV-XT1 Laptop, has a 2.0ghz Sandy Bridge Core i7, 4gb RAM, a GT 540m and a 500gb HDD.
Newegg has an Acer AS5750G-9639, has a 2.0ghz Sandy Bridge Core i7, 4gb RAM, a GT 540m and a 500gb HDD also.
They are both $769.
The only difference I can see is that the Asus looks better, and has a status bar below the trackpad, and the Acer has a better webcam. (The webcam isn't much of an issue. Unless the .3mp Asus cam makes me incomprehensibly blurry.)
The Asus costs more because of shipping on Tiger Direct, but also comes with 1 year accidental damage warranty.
What would you guys recommend? As far as I can see they have about the same battery life, too. Thanks.
Newegg has an Acer AS5750G-9639, has a 2.0ghz Sandy Bridge Core i7, 4gb RAM, a GT 540m and a 500gb HDD also.
They are both $769.
The only difference I can see is that the Asus looks better, and has a status bar below the trackpad, and the Acer has a better webcam. (The webcam isn't much of an issue. Unless the .3mp Asus cam makes me incomprehensibly blurry.)
The Asus costs more because of shipping on Tiger Direct, but also comes with 1 year accidental damage warranty.
What would you guys recommend? As far as I can see they have about the same battery life, too. Thanks.