asus q302la-bbi5t19 2n1 no power no lights


Jan 30, 2012
well this has been going on for a wile now.

i baught this asus q302la-bbi5t19 back in feburary from best buy. It was a open box model.

Best buy is almost a hour away from me so is not like i can just go there when ever i want to.

when i first got this 2n1 i got it home and after a few days it just kept getting stuck in a windows 10 boot loop i also realized the charger they gave me was for a lenovo. after a month or 2 i made it back and they fixed the bootloop a.

nd gave me the right charger.

well every thing was fine up untill a month ago the laptop started saying pluged in not charging it would take hours some times days just to got up 1 to 10 percent more then what it was at. i did some research tryied a power reset pulled the battery etc. then i decieded to update the bios

aparently even when pluged in the laptop has to be at a certain percentage for it to work. after days of trying to get it above that percent . the 2n1 accidently got unplugged and i lost all progress all the way down to 5%. so i decieded to let the battery die and try to start from 0%.

that was a bad ideal now the 2n1 will not turn on i have no lights no power.
i cant even turn it on wile pluged in with out the battery which ive done with other laptops before.

i baught a replacement charger that did not help 3 days ago the replacement battery i ordered came in i installed that and i have the same problem . im stuck and not sure where to go from here. im out over $500 ive had it for months and have only used it maybe 2 months

Ive had it since febuary and i dont have the receipt. I doubt they will do anything . what are the chances both the charger and battery i ordered. Were bad. I asked if the seller of the battery tested it and i got a insant refund and a reply that they had no way to test or charge it before they sent it

The charger is generic i didnt want to risk. Buying oem at 50 buck and that not being the problem. The battery is oem. On the sellers page forbthe battery it said all parts are pulled from working units. Im used to fixing towers. Laptops are different to me exspecialy newer ones. My old laptop. I used to be able to run with out the battery. This one wont even turn on


No i havent. Not sure how i assume ill need a volt meter. Even when the. Orginal battery was. Charging but slowly. It wouldnt turn on with out the battery . i figured thatvwas just something 2n1s did
Try this and see if it makes any difference...

1. First make sure the device has been charged.
2. Unplug your charger cord.
3. Remove the battery.
4. Press and hold the "Power" button for 30 seconds and see if the device will turn on.
5. If it does, great, now plug back in the power/charger cord. (If it didn't turn on without the cord in, it should turn on once you it is in. Yes sometimes they will turn on, or try to turn on, even with nothing attached/plugged in.)
6. Now put the battery back in.
Because problems can come in many forms. It can be the battery, it can be the charger cord. It could be the charger circuit, etc.

The info I sent is to remove all charge from the laptop and the see if it will start fresh. Because most leave the battery in all the time, and some leave them on all the time (or only put in hibernate/sleep) and the computer never truly gets a reset. This is to remove all traces of power and allow for that reset. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't.

Well i went out and got a multimeter. Ive got power coming threw at the jack and thats about it not sure what othe points to to test. But theres no power coming from the battery connector on the mother board