Solved! Asus ROG G551VW need smart advise - No Display & LED lights ON

Feb 11, 2019
My laptop not booting & not display anything on screen.
The issue I am not sure, but the LED lights are as below.
  1. Light Bulb(Always ON)
  2. Battery Charging Indicator(Blinking)
  3. Aeroplane Mode (Always ON)
  4. Caps Lock (Always ON)

May I know what it indicates.

And I tried the below
-> Removed the Battery & only AC adapter.
-> Hard Reset by holding the power button without battery & AC adapter
for 45 seconds.
-> Reset the RAM & HDD drives.
the charger is the orignial one?
the battery as well?

try an equal charger (voltage has to be the same, wattage can be more but not less than the original)
replace the battery