ASUS ROG G703GM Fails to boot, let alone post. No battery indicator when plugged in.

Dec 7, 2018
Symptoms: Failure to boot or post. No indication of a power source. No battery indicator when plugged in.

Symptoms started about half a day ago. I stayed up til' 4am merrily playing games instead of writing a final. Plugged in my phone to charge, set the alarm and went to bed. Woke up to an uncharged phone and a dead laptop. System was working without error up to this point.

Setup: Asus GL703GM. Running a Wacom Bamboo CTL off of a USB 2.0 Hub, and two G-Technology external drives via USB 3.0 to eSata and Thunderbolt to eSata. Both external drives work fine regardless of system failure.

Things I've done so far: I've encountered the seemingly ASUS only problem of a laptop having no charge indicator and showing no signs of functioning. I own a GL703GM, and have stripped it down following previous instructions for others having the same problem.

I have reseated the RAM, as well as changed the slot to no avail. I've swapped the 2.5 out for another drive I've got with windows on (as well as removing and reinstalling the stock SSD). Currently I've the battery removed, however the system still refuses to boot with or without the battery, leading me to think this is a sudden motherboard issue, if not something else. I've tested the stock 2.5 1TB and SSD in another system, both without issues.

Currently plugging the laptop in does not enable the charge indicator LED, battery removed or not.

I am thankfully still under warranty with Newegg, however I cannot immediately ship it back since I'm moving back from university in a few days. I will be contacting support and taking advantage of my warranty if the laptop does not begin magically functioning again.

While I believe I've exhausted all options, I'd be curious if anyone has anything to say about the issue.

Cheers, thanks in advance.
Update: I have contacted ASUS support, their only suggestion is to send in the laptop for repair since I am still under warranty. I will be doing so when my address is static again. Should they repair the problem and inform me as to what it was, I will update this thread accordingly.
Good people of Tom's Hardware, the results are in and the Laptop is repaired. The only listed repaired part is "[90NR00G0-R00010} GL703GM MB._0M/I78750H/AS]". As to how the CPU magically died is beyond me, however that does shed a bit of light onto the issue. But not enough for I presume the average home repair. Without a solution and a now functioning laptop I will leave this thread to rot. I hope no one else experiences ASUS sudden death, and if they do, they too are under warranty.

It should be noted my user profile was reset upon boot, so make sure to backup your data if you can! (Or just take the HDD out before shipping it like I did).