Asus, toshiba, or gateway?


May 15, 2008
How does the 8800M GTS compare to the HD 3650? And does the 6MB of cache with the Asus make a big difference compared to the 2MB of the others?
The 8800mGTS will wipe the floor with the other cards. There have been benchmarks about the cache size (Toms did one I believe) and if I remember correctly, with gaming, cache made little difference (some but not enough). The Gateway would still be the best gamer out of that group.
Agreed^^^ 8800MGTS is alot better than both 8700MGT and HD 3650
Also although the ASUS one has T9300 but the GPU is more important in 95% of games and therfore the GATEWAY one is the best choice, also the CPU isnt bad, a Core2Duo @ 2.0GHZ is very good for gaming
Hey i had a look at the Gateway machine , i was in bestbuy wanted to see how big it woud be, as i was interested in getting it myself.

Have to say it was pretty big although it looks like a good gaming machine , if you dont care much for mobility then i would say go for it :)

Owning a monster of a 17'' laptop, I can say with a decent backpack or messenger bag, it's not as bad as you'd think. A backpack is preferable unless you want lopsided shoulders 😉