ASUS X555L stuck in Aptio Setup Utility


Aug 19, 2016
My laptop suddenly crashed and I rebooted it and it got stuck at Aptio Setup. I've gone through many threads and nothing has work. SATA still says my hard disk and cdrom are there. One of my boot options are Windows Boot Manger. I'm currently in Windows 8. I'd love to send it in and repair it but college is draining my wallet. Thanks to anyone with a solution.
I am going to assume that when you exit the Aptio Setup Utility, that it goes right back in (correct me if I am wrong). Some modern laptops/tablets are configured to go into their BIOS setup utility if no valid operating system is found and no user intervention to try and boot off a particular drive is present. IF this is the case, you will probably have to reinstall Windows.
I am going to assume that when you exit the Aptio Setup Utility, that it goes right back in (correct me if I am wrong). Some modern laptops/tablets are configured to go into their BIOS setup utility if no valid operating system is found and no user intervention to try and boot off a particular drive is present. IF this is the case, you will probably have to reinstall Windows.

You're right about it going right back to the Aptio Setup. Mine came pre-installed with Windows 8 so I have no clue how or where to install Windows again.
You can go on to another computer and download the Windows Media Creation Tool ( to create a USB or DVD installation media for your computer, but be noted it will install Windows 10 (not 8/8.1). If you want to go to 8.1, you would need to:

1. Make the installation media
2. Delete /sources/install.wim to make room
3. Copy the contents of a Windows 8/8.1 DVD to another folder on the drive
4. Boot from the USB and select recover my computer
5. Find the command prompt
6. Use the command prompt to launch setup from the windows 8.1 folder you made