If you've ever seen an in-car entertainment system, you know that there is not a lot of difference in quality between the various screens. If you've never seen one--they're pretty basic. Obviously no HD at this stage. These are one notch up from the screens you see in the back of the airplane seat. Luckily, for what it is, the video is pretty smooth due to the caching method AT&T is using. The data signal is streaming at about 500 kbps.
Yawn... this may be news/new to you, ie the US. But us German car owners/enthusiasts have been enjoying TV tuners with our NAV systems for 10 years already / integrating them into our US version German cars. Shows how lackadaisical the US is on tech standards. Among other things.
And another thing, make it so users can edit posts so they don't have to repost.
And another nother thing.. they're already screwing themselves by limiting who can install the service? Please.
The Audi/BMWs came/come with 5" and now 6.5-8" NAV screens, UP FRONT. Not just for back seat passengers ya know. But it shuts off when the car is moving, but of course we just disable that safety switch from the parking brake so "others" in the car can watch video.
7-12" is nothing for backseat. You obviously haven't seen Rolls Royce with their offerings of flip up screen from the table tray, or Bentley limos with 42" screens. Get some bling man.. it is a minivan after all.