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This is an error that is either the slider switch position or the side A/B
turn mechanism switch. Take off the top and see if you can turn the turn
mechanism easily. If you can it is not in it's proper clamp position.
There is a white arm you move out a little and it will complete the turn and
when you release the arm it will lock it into place. Also, sometimes the
blue side change switch tab is on top of the metal tab it hits against, it
should be on the bottom.
Next would be looking for the switches on the bottom that tell the main
board when the pickup is in starting CD and LD positions being bad. Then it
could also be electronics.
"Alex Russell" <> wrote in message
> Curtis,
> I have just obtained a cld 99 elite player, but on switch on displays the
> fault code A3, any help you can give would be most appreciated as I have
> no manual with it.
> Alex.