Audio Format Converter Software That Can Convert An Entire Playsist

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Mar 13, 2018
I have found some audio file format converter programs that convert individual lossless files to MP3 files, but does anyone know of a program that can convert an entire playlist?

Hello, Padalin. Sorry about taking so long to reply to your answer, but I'm not sure what you are talking about. However, I was referring to converting a lot of songs at a time from one audio format to another.

Also, why does this forum make you use your email address as your user name for the whole world to see? Because it's not like I want the whole world to see my email address. Also, most forums give you the option of creating a user name. Does this forum have that option?

Also, I clicked on the: More about : "audio format converter software convert entire playsist link" in my original post:

but those programs somehow keep missing the mark to what I am looking for.

you messed up somehow. there is no requirement to use email address as username. in fact it is not recommended at all. look around and you'll not see anyone else doing it. you somehow put your email in the username box during set-up. problem is, there is no way to change your username once created so you are stuck with it that way, unless you delete your account and make a new one. you can PM a moderator to verify but i'm certain there is no way to change username once the account is created.
Hello, Padalin. Sorry about taking so long to reply to your answer, but I'm not sure what you are talking about. However, I was referring to converting a lot of songs at a time from one audio format to another.

So you want to batch folder convert, I do that all the time, converting Flac or other formats to MP3.
I use VSDC Free Audio Converter. check it out at:

Hmm. I see. Well, after I clicked on the LOGIN box, it twice mentions using one's email address. The first time is when the site wants to send you updates and email notifications, and the second time is when the site asks you to log in. But apparently, I must have misunderstood something since no one else has mentioned having the same problem that I had.

But anyway, it looks like my thread question is almost resolved.

sounds like you misinterpreted the sign in process. you can use either your username or the email you signed up with to login. does not mean that the email is the required username. if it helps you don't see your whole email just tom.parkerman

so no idea what your true email address is :)

and i'm glad the others are helping with your actual problem. i've used plenty to batch convert over the years. think the last time i used itunes to do it but only due to being too lazy to install something special to do it. was ripping cd's in mass though and not converting from one format to another. i mainly worry about having to mass re-tag my mp3's rather than convert a ton of them. i'm real picky about my tags since that is what's used by the player to search and sort and so on.

Well, thanks for that, Padalin. But the only problem that I have with these 'batch folder convert' programs is that they seem easy enough to use, but when I go and try to use them, they either don't seem to work right or there is something that I didn't do right.

Just like with the VSDC, it looks like multiple music files were being transported to the VSDC program which took a long time, but after it was over with, I couldn't find where the supposed newly converted MP3 files were at on VSDC.

Therefore, if it's not asking too much of you, could you explain to me how a playlist or all folders from a Windows Media Player collection would be transferred or exported over to the VSDC program and switched from the Lossless format to the MP3 format. And I know that some people get uptight about being asked how to 'do' things and think that others should read the instructions themselves and figure it out, but I have been working on this for a very long time, and I feel as if I deserve some help.
I couldn't find where the supposed newly converted MP3 files were at on VSDC.

As far as deserving help and a walkthrough, a lot of people feel that way... life is a beach they say, and a poet's word were immortalized in a rock some " you dont always get what you want..."

ow a playlist or all folders from a Windows Media Player collection would be transferred or exported over to the VSDC program and switched from the Lossless format to the MP3 format.
Assuming for a moment your music in flac format are in c:\music.
1. open c:\music and make a new folder called MP3 in it.
2. open VDSC, "output directory" click browse and set it to c:\music\mp3
3. top left button click TO MP3
4. profiles (just under output directory) select the mpp3 format you want ot use , 128 is basic, 320 is good but not every devices play it. (computer will) .. how? use the pull down arrow.
5. click add folder select c:\music
6. top right icon "convert files... click it... and wait until done
converted files will be in c:\music\mp3

now.. if your music files are in sub folders under music, you will have to add each individual folders for each album.

Actually, I thought about my use of the word "deserve" after I made my post, and thought I could have at least put a winky smiley face after it. 😉 But I would like to thank you for your generosity, however... I must be missing some basic computer knowledge because I have no idea how to:

1. open c:\music and make a new folder called MP3 in it.

Now I know how to open File Explorer in Windows 10 and how to go to my This PC Music folder, but I just don't know how to make a new folder called MP3 in it. But any help with this would surely be appreciated.

Thanks, Paladin.(And you too, reedo_43.) However, I followed step no 1...

1. open c:\music and make a new folder called MP3 in it.l

and here is how it looked along with how I created it and the folder that I right clicked on:

Also, for step no.2...

2. open VDSC, "output directory" click browse and set it to c:\music\mp3

I clicked on "Edit profiles...," scrolled down to 320 kbps, and then clicked on "Apply profile"...


And after that, I followed steps no.5 and 6...

5. click add folder select c:\music
6. top right icon "convert files... click it... and wait until done

and clicked on "Start conversion" to convert files, but nothing happened...


Therefore, are you able to see what I did wrong?


Actually, I did. Because if you look at the "Add folder" button in my image, its periphery is blue. But this is what I did. I first clicked on the "Add folder" button and the "Browse For Folder" dialogue box appeared...


And then I scrolled up to "This PC" and and clicked on the "Music" folder...


And after that, I scrolled down and then clicked on the newly created "MP3" folder(I erased the names of the music folders in the image above and below the "MP3" folder for privacy), and then I clicked "OK," but nothing happened...


And as you can see from the image, I was then ready to "Convert files." But like my image from the other day, nothing happened.


It's strange because I always seem to get stuck on any of these players that are suppose to be able to import batch folders and convert the format.

Also, I was wondering if I created the new MP3 folder correctly because I had to right click on the Music folder in the left hand column and went from there. And as you can see in the image below, I have the MP3 folder(under the iTunes folder) under the Music folder:

Also, when I actually clicked on the MP3 folder to open it, it says it's empty:


Therefore, I believe there was something that I didn't do right when I created the MP3 folder from the Music folder.

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