Solved! Audio technica M50x paired with Fiio A1?


Jun 12, 2016
I just got a pair of m50x and wasn't very pleased with the sound at first. Although the quality of the sound was amazing it was too quiet from my phone. After pluging it in my laptop they became a lot more loud, even hurting my ears at max volume. The bass wasn't enough so I tweaked it with an eq (+8db on 100hz and +5db below 150hz, I don't know if thats too much) and now its fine. My question is if I get a Fiio A1 dac will listening from my phone be the same or even better than my laptop and will it be able to enhance the bass slightly more? Thanks in advance :)
A headphone amp will definitely drive your headphones louder than the phone but the DAC may not. It would sound better.
That is a lot of bass boost. When you do that it does require more power to drive the headphones.
I suggest you post your question on the forum.
The M50X is pretty easy to drive and has a V shaped EQ that already has a bass boost beyond neutral. If you're EQ'ing in more bass and still aren't happy you should be looking at different headphones.
I said after the eq on my pc it was fine and if I could boost it a tad bit more it would be ideal. Also all the alternatives with the same sound quality and better bass are wayy out of my budget.