Bad quality video after uploading to Youtube


May 7, 2017
Hello everyone,

I'm recording videos with Nvidia Instant replay and uploading them on Youtube, the file on my PC is high quality and great but once I upload the video on Youtube it become kind of "blurry" sometimes. I don't know what causes this as I don't have any experience in video editing or uploading. I Tried finding the answer by myself but without success. 🙁

Can someone help me understand what causes this?

Here are some examples of videos I just uploaded where it's "blurry" in the beginning:

I also have a 15 minute video where the "blurry" come and goes from time to time.

My system is:
W10 home premium x64
i5 4460 16Gb
ram ddr3 1600Mhz
SSD 120gb
GTX 960 2GB ME

I record videos via Nvidia Instant replay and my settings are:
Resolution: In game
FPS: 60
Bitrate: 50Mbps
Quality: High

Thanks a lot in advance for you answers and sorry if I posted in the wrong section.
Youtube does its own compression.
And then after that, it also tries to scale down to match the viewers internet connection speed.
For instance, it will not try to provide a high def video to someone with a crappy DSL connection. Automatically scaled down.
Youtube does its own compression.
And then after that, it also tries to scale down to match the viewers internet connection speed.
For instance, it will not try to provide a high def video to someone with a crappy DSL connection. Automatically scaled down.

Thank you for your reply.

Here is a speed test of my connection: I believe that it should be good enough, what do you think?


Your speed is almost identical to mine.
However...utube does its own thing.
For instance, your 3rd video link.

Default to 480p

Click that, and you can change to 720 or 1080p
Oh that's what you meant, sorry I misunderstood you.

I always pick 1080P/60FPS but the problem remains. For example:

Where you paused the video, the quality is alright for me, on this video it really happens only at the beginning on all the different qualities.


And that might be due to youtube trying to deliver a picture...any fast as it can.
Downscaling the initial stuff for speed. After, when it discovers that your speed is good enough, it scales up.