badminton line technology

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likers camera

Mar 3, 2016
Hello and a very lovely night sir..may I know what type of camera that are suitable to use in order to catch the speed of the shuttlecocks?
The reason I ask is because my group and I are doing some project to be use in order to detect the speed of the shuttlecocks.And also by that we also can detect whether the shuttlecocks are ‘in or out’.The highest speed ever measured is 493km/h. So can u suggest us what type of camera can be used in badminton line technology.Sorry to interrupt u sir.and also a camera that have wifi or gps that can connect to PC
High speed cameras for that speed in that that light are expensive and not very good. You're better off calculating the speed from streak lengths with a known shutter speed (and maybe a 120FPS camera)

You do NOT need GPS for that though.
thanks sir..can u suggest us what type or camera or sensor we should use?
my group and i are asigned to do some research and also a proposal about badminton line group and i decided to use some sorts of camera that can detect the speed of the shuttlecocks because we need to measure whether the shutlle are in or outside the line.can u help us by giving us what sort or camera we should use or maybe we need to combine the camera with something else.maybe the camera is quite the same with the camera that are in use with goal-line technology..or maybe Hawk-eye camera..but we do not the specific details about the camera..we already did some research in google but still cannot find it..we hope u can help us sir..what camera ,sensor or any others things we should use in other to make this project succeed.The concept is quite the same with goal-line technology and hawk-eye that are use in tennis..but we want to intepret this in badminton court..when the camera detects the shuttle are out..automatically it send some sort of signal to the pc..and pc send it to the red light or led showing the shuttle is out..
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