Hi, I'm building my new computer and now it's time to pick a monitor. I only have $300 max to spend on my monitor and I REALLY want a big screen as I watch videos a lot. I will use my computer mostly for a light gaming (Diablo 3), programming and surfing on the internet. I have i5-3570k and Radeon HD 6870 (not going to overclock for a while - want to build a better cooling system before I try overclocking... and this needs money). Well, as I want a 1080p, 60Hz LCD TV for my computer monitor (HDMI cable will be used to connect them) and I can't really decide on what product I should buy... I have came up with few products.
Vizio ($284.99): http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16889262153
Element ($199.99): http/www.compusa.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1159546&CatId=3813
Insignia ($249.99): http/www.bestbuy.com/site/Insignia%26%23153%3B+-+32%26%2334%3B+Class+/+LCD+/+1080p+/+60Hz+/+HDTV/4550185.p?id=1218483794718&skuId=4550185
If I have a money, I would definitely go with either Samsung or LG, but they are too expensive... Please recommend a TV under $300 that will work great for my need (whether it's one of those three or another product out there).
p.s. Can any one give me a link or explain different brands a bit? I have seen tons of them and I don't know whether they are good for not...
Vizio ($284.99): http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16889262153
Element ($199.99): http/www.compusa.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1159546&CatId=3813
Insignia ($249.99): http/www.bestbuy.com/site/Insignia%26%23153%3B+-+32%26%2334%3B+Class+/+LCD+/+1080p+/+60Hz+/+HDTV/4550185.p?id=1218483794718&skuId=4550185
If I have a money, I would definitely go with either Samsung or LG, but they are too expensive... Please recommend a TV under $300 that will work great for my need (whether it's one of those three or another product out there).
p.s. Can any one give me a link or explain different brands a bit? I have seen tons of them and I don't know whether they are good for not...