I didnt say Apple makes their laptops. They do design them and are manufactured by ODM's. CLosed in that HP, Dell, and the rest of the Windows machines have many models and use many companies component's. Apple has less model and it's that don't use many different manufacturers components like the Windows OEM's . Compal and Quanta are the ODM's that manufacture for all companies but the major brands still do the designs. Yes Windows will run on Apple now because they have Intel processors and all the same components. Yes i know about Hackintosh. It's just a violation of the Apple license to install in on a Windows machine but it can be done. Apple has a special setting BIOS that has to be worked around to install on a Windows machine.
They issue is MS licenses it's software to the OEM's Apple doesn't eventhough Bill Gates advised long ago to do it. They don't sale any machine with Windows. ASUS and MSI are also ODM's and got into OEM business a few years back because of pricing wars. I once ordered HP laptop and the tracking read Shanghai to Anchorage to Memphis to Orlando. So by closed architecture they are sold with ONLY Apple OS with a toighter controls on components. What you do
after purchase Apple can't affect. Most Apples don't have discrete graphics cards and almost every windows gaming machine does.
They issue is MS licenses it's software to the OEM's Apple doesn't eventhough Bill Gates advised long ago to do it. They don't sale any machine with Windows. ASUS and MSI are also ODM's and got into OEM business a few years back because of pricing wars. I once ordered HP laptop and the tracking read Shanghai to Anchorage to Memphis to Orlando. So by closed architecture they are sold with ONLY Apple OS with a toighter controls on components. What you do
after purchase Apple can't affect. Most Apples don't have discrete graphics cards and almost every windows gaming machine does.