Best and Worst Laptop Brands 2016

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I didnt say Apple makes their laptops. They do design them and are manufactured by ODM's. CLosed in that HP, Dell, and the rest of the Windows machines have many models and use many companies component's. Apple has less model and it's that don't use many different manufacturers components like the Windows OEM's . Compal and Quanta are the ODM's that manufacture for all companies but the major brands still do the designs. Yes Windows will run on Apple now because they have Intel processors and all the same components. Yes i know about Hackintosh. It's just a violation of the Apple license to install in on a Windows machine but it can be done. Apple has a special setting BIOS that has to be worked around to install on a Windows machine.

They issue is MS licenses it's software to the OEM's Apple doesn't eventhough Bill Gates advised long ago to do it. They don't sale any machine with Windows. ASUS and MSI are also ODM's and got into OEM business a few years back because of pricing wars. I once ordered HP laptop and the tracking read Shanghai to Anchorage to Memphis to Orlando. So by closed architecture they are sold with ONLY Apple OS with a toighter controls on components. What you do
after purchase Apple can't affect. Most Apples don't have discrete graphics cards and almost every windows gaming machine does.
I've had 4 laptops. A Dell from 2001 (can't remember the model) which was really good. Another Dell Inspiron 8100 from 2006 which was the worst piece of shit I have ever had in my life. Add to that the poor customer service.... I will never buy Dell again. An Acer 7720G from 2008 which has never so much as hiccupped, is still running strong right now (it's my spare) and has taken everything me and life could throw at it. I'm surprised they scored so low tbh, maybe this Acer is a one off...
Right now I have a HP Pavillion something or other with AMD A6 APU. Not great but at the time I got it 3 years ago it was a steal. It's had a few issues but is generally ok.
I still need to upgrade though on a budget so from now on it's desktops for me.

Asus is a good brand, Dell Mac and HP are just over priced.

What makes Asus a good brand? Why are Dells, Macs and HPs overpriced? I've loved my Dells and Macs and think they're great for the money.
I've had 3 Acers and very happy with they all are working now and they were purchased with Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. I have a HP that i bought with Vista but with the free upgrade to Windows 7 when it came out. The battery died before it was a year old and it gets hot. I've had 2 Sagers and one of them had motherboard/Graphics card issue while under warranty. Other Sager still run but keys stick after fluid. They both were purchased when XP was out in early 2000's. Now I have an Alienware that I love and I'm very happy with Dell support as I ran diagnostic app and it said bad hard drive so they sent me a hard drive and I sent bad on back with them paying shipping both ways. I didn't even have to talk to anyone.
Nice score on that HDD for the Alienware. I got no such worthwhile assistance from Dell myself. I loved the Acer I got so much for how bug free it's been but it's just not good for gaming anymore sadly (won't run even Empire/Napoleon Total War) so need to upgrade but I'm not paying over the odds for a prebuild nor can I afford a comparative laptop to the Acer by todays standards so I'm going to build my own once I pluck up the courage and find time. Funny you say about the HP overheating issue. Mine does it too, even before I had all the bloatware removed along with a Win 8.1 install (the bloatware made conflicts with steam and I couldn't play anything so it had to go) This HP hasn't shut down or suffered from the heat afaik, but it does sound like a hairdryer when it gets tested which is a bit extreme for a 15 inch laptop imo.

Update: August 2015... the HP had a thermal shutdown for no good reason... I was playing Blitzkreig 2 at the time (well within it's capabilities) and off it went... and bloody hot it was too. I think it may now be damaged in some way as Shogun 2 now flickers (it didn't before...) I tried to get at the fan/heatsink to see if dust was clogging it but this thing is inaccessible...
Time for a new laptop... the self built desktop is on hold as I will need to travel to and from Swindon. I'm thinking Cyberpower.
Funny thing is the Drive that failed was an external and I sent the same drive back. I've loved my Acers and I love big screen laptops ( i had an Acer 20.1" screen and an Acer 18.4) Acer discontinued the 18.4 8950 G model and stopped making 18.4" screen laptops. Then Alienware was the only 18.4" and now they have discontinued in their 2015 models and MSI no has the only 18.4" laptop. As the Titan came out recently but is over 3000.
I have had two Acers--they are great but do not last. Stupid flaws--the jack where the power cord goes in wears out. ?? I cannot stand Dells--the ones I have had run hot and are cheesy looking. Hewlett Packard was so bad that I refuse to consider them for anything but printers. So many error messages and malfunctions, when I was not installing a bunch or doing anything stupid. The best lap top I have ever had is the Sony Vaio I have now. It has lasted for four years, too, better than usual. Have never owned an Apple product. I'm a snob, I guess. 😉
Low End Laptops
3. Dell
4. HP
(the rest do not contend or do not have low end laptops)

Mid Range
1. HP
3. Dell
4. Acer
5. Apple (yes, they have mid range, and yes, they suck)

High End
1. MSI
2. HP (yes, surprisingly, their new stuff has been top notch)
3. Razer (if you can afford it, they would be #2 but the pricetag is enough to drop them to 3, value still matters)
5. Apple (yes, still the bottom of the barrel, price+performance = crap)
I have used a dell vostro and Hp pavilion g6.
The Dell one was just your average lap, its battery lasted more than 3 hours and since it cant game well. But it had motherboard issues and was replaced 3 times lol. They said if mobo issue occurs once more , i will get a new laptop for free. Service from dell is good,but the fact that i had 3 mobo issue was noting to be sneezed at.

Coming to hp pavilion g6 with amd a10 ,which i am still using and has been around for 2 years, its an amazing laptop with discrete gpu and dual graphics. No overheating issues. I once had my fan stopped working, within 3 days the customer support arrived and fixed it-which actually was something clogging the fan. Anyhow they replaced my fan, had no issues till now.

HP pavilions are really good for the price.

That being said i would never compare laptop brands , because each of them have laptops for various purposes and everyone of them is different.
Its like comparing turtles and tortoises.
Look how laptops are made. You take all these parts made by 3rd parties which all these 3rd parties do QA tests on their own components (Example Nvidia Graphics cards). Nvidia's own QA test their devices then the ODM's in Asia purchases these components from the suppliers. Some of the laptop are designed by the OEM and the ODM's build them. Once assembled they are tested as whole units based on the OEM's standards. Then you but a Microsoft OS on it that is what talks to the hardware through drivers written by the component makers and the OEM's. Apple is more consistent as they have less products and fewer mixtures of components and this is one of the reason they have such quality ratings.
AH i think in computer world or in pc world its good to have the hardware you need none of companies will give you the dream hardwares what your really want so its good to make a custom pc where you can get your dream hardwares at a good price i prefer to customize computer s than a company pc .
most of those top 5 just live on past glory.. ASUS is the best. Others are just over priced with the same function. We all have warranty these days. so why spend all your life savings on a laptop.
From my expereince, ASUS is the best. its price and quality seem to conform. Go for it and it will last a lifetime. good physical qualities too.

not all people are after gaming. and apple are not Crap. and you missed Leovo ThinkPad .. but as I see, you are stuck with gaming...

Apple make quality hardware for an extraordinary price. That in and of itself lends them to the "crap" rating.

If what you paid for was what you got, you'd get a beastly PC for the prices Apple charges. Unfortunately, for your $2300 Macbook Pro, you could've gotten a $1600 laptop that outperforms the Macbook.

It's even simpler than that. if what you paid for was what you got, Apple would have the same 3%-5% profit margin as the rest of the PC industry, instead of the 20%-25% profit margins they enjoy. Anyone ever wants to argue there is no Apple tax, throw that in their face. In fact if you crunch the 1Q2015 smartphone sales numbers, you find the Apple Tax on each iPhone was $252. That is, when you buy an iPhone, $252 of your payment goes to Apple's shareholders and bank account, instead of paying for hardware or software. For Android smartphones, only $11 is profit, the rest pays for hardware and software.

There's a small niche market where the Macbook Pros excel - mainly anyone doing photo, video, or graphics arts work will find it has features which are difficult or expensive to match in PC laptops. Maybe if you also do audio mixing, or are a diehard Unix programmer. But if you don't fall into these categories and you buy a MBP, you're pretty much wasting money on unnecessary features.

not really , If you look close , Apple make their notebook light weight as possible. and with solid uni body construction.
add to that , they make almost all the case full of battery , and they beat others on battery life even with non low voltage CPU. more over they use IPS top Quality TFT screen . you never find these cheap at all they are $200 more.
and they toss in thunderbolt ports and fast M2 SSD plus a wonderful magnetic power plug and option that is wonderful.

try to find such things in any other Company and you will find them the same price even More expensive.

you dont compare IPS with TN panels.
and you dont compare 7-9 hours battery life with 4-6 battery life of the same cpu and components.
and you dont M2 PCIe with normal 2.5 SSD with 1/2 speed.
and you dont compare with uni body elegant alu case plastic ugly thick body
and you dont compare smart magnetic power plug with old fashioned notebook puller power plug that can crash your system .

if you want all those in a Windows PC it will be the same price of Apple

Apple is not overpriced . it is just the Mercedes of the notebooks . you are buying a Toyota.

and I dont understand how on earth you missed Lenovo thinkpad in all your list.

as I said you are a gamer. and gamers should not buy Apple.