Best earbuds


Dec 3, 2009
Hey guys heres a good one.

I've tried all of the earbuds and a lot of them have amazing quality. Yet none of them fit my ears well at all. Especially ipod earbuds!!! I've always found that allying a little bit of pressure to each one increases what I here and sound quality accordingly a ton! Yet I don't want to be applying pressure to my earbuds all the time! Is there a set of earbuds that anyone has found fits ears really good and stays in place (and seals around them, this is probably the most important point) where ipod ones have not? Is there a pair that has that kind of pressure I'm looking for via an old-school arm band that goes around you head to keep them tight in your ear? And finally, is there a pair that can fit deeper in your ear canal?

Thanks guys!
well from my personal experience, the better the ear bud (ear phone, which ever type it maybe) the less pressure u may want to put into your ear.

i know exactly what u eman by applying pressure to get better sound

my first ever , ever, ever eaphoens, which im sure has been the same from all of u, is generic eaphoens from phoens lol

i did however find better sound and deeper bass as applied slightly pressure to the pheons so that they were closer to my ear canal,

however my next phone after that was, senn CX300, then CX300II , then CX400II

i did found that i didnt have to put the phones as deep into my ear canal, the CX300ii was a bit bass bloated so i had to fit it 'loose' into my ear lol.
Well i really mean bewst earbuds for thier price, as in less the $40. But it would alsobe helpful to know what my best cholice is at higher price ranges as well.

well from my personal experience, the better the ear bud (ear phone, which ever type it maybe) the less pressure u may want to put into your ear.

i know exactly what u eman by applying pressure to get better sound

my first ever , ever, ever eaphoens, which im sure has been the same from all of u, is generic eaphoens from phoens lol

i did however find better sound and deeper bass as applied slightly pressure to the pheons so that they were closer to my ear canal,

however my next phone after that was, senn CX300, then CX300II , then CX400II

i did found that i didnt have to put the phones as deep into my ear canal, the CX300ii was a bit bass bloated so i had to fit it 'loose' into my ear lol.
For 40$ there is not going to be a huge difference, but I've heard very good things about the Sennheiser CX 200 or MX 560, both of which can be bought for around 40$. Depends on the style you want.

Also, don't go with Skullcandy earbuds unless you want a joke of an earbud. The only brand on the market that seems to care more about style than actual audio quality :|

theta is right, if u want budfs for show. then skullcandy is ure best bet, their not too bad, in sound, for the price.

but for the price that skulldandys give, u may as well go fro some sony, they have improved ever so much over the ears. they may reach the standards of sennheisers.

but from all of these things i say, the best advice i give u is all down to YOUR personal reference.
I also agree. Don't EVER pick Skullcandys. I've been through two pairs already. They have great sound quality, I'll give them that, but they are meant more for show which is why they don't last long and break easily. I would suggest JVC Marshmellows or SONY MDR-V150s. I don't love the SONYs, but they work for me. They are very much like studio headphones. I got them at Wal-Mart for $20. They also come with a Stereo UniMatch Plug which helps you if the jack is to large for the headphone plug-in. They're very comfortable and the cord is also longer than most for headphones.