Best free DVD burning software...

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Mar 5, 2005
What is the best FREE DVD burning software?

I need it for backing up my DVD's I currently own. I already have a decrypter program to override the copywrite stuff, I just need software to burn the file onto DVD. Thanks!
Can't really say it's the best, but can vouch that it's free and works quite well:<A HREF="" target="_new">DeepBurner</A>. The free version is limited in its DVD burning to data DVD, no video DVD. However, the Pro version can do that and more. The Pro version is free for 30 days. This program has been the fastest ISO burning program that I have ever used.

<b><i>Powered by <font color=blue>V</font color=blue><font color=purple>E</font color=purple><font color=red>R</font color=red><font color=purple>T</font color=purple><font color=blue>O</font color=blue></b>
Fueled by <b><font color=blue>CL-</font color=blue><font color=red>ONE</font color=red></b>
Your dvd burner didn't come with anything???

<font color=blue> Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's just that yours is stupid. </font color=blue>
The best Free DVD software is what comes with your DVD burner!

<pre><font color=red>°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°`°¤o \\// o¤°`°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°
And the sign says "You got to have a membership card to get inside" Huh
So I got me a pen and paper And I made up my own little sign</pre><p></font color=red>
Some OEM and open box specials often come minus software support.

<b><i>Powered by <font color=blue>V</font color=blue><font color=purple>E</font color=purple><font color=red>R</font color=red><font color=purple>T</font color=purple><font color=blue>O</font color=blue></b>
Fueled by <b><font color=blue>CL-</font color=blue><font color=red>ONE</font color=red></b>
<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

you can find some there.

"Like a scrotum, there it is in a nutshell."
<font color=red>Roll Tide!</font color=red>
<A HREF="" target="_new">-={Psychotic Sociopath.}=-</A>
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