
Jan 15, 2014
I'm trying to find a new set of headphones or a headset for my PC. I recently returned a steelseries v2 frost edition set, so i could trade it in for a newer model. I originally got the steelseries v3 prism headset, but i returned it when i found the v3 elite prism headset for 10 dollars more. I've found though that the elite prism headset sounds pretty good but just can't get very loud, and I also got a defective set that won't light up.

Long story short, where I have to return the v3 elite prism for a new set since they are defective,
should i even bother getting the same thing again or is there anything anyone can recommend.

If possible I want to spend less than $200 and possibly get them in a store so i can have them now. I also do not have a audio card, just what is on my motherboard, which is aa asrock 990fx extreme 3. I have most stores near me e.g. micro center, best buy, Walmart, target, etc..

Thanks for the help.

I forgot to add, I play a lot of games on my PC, but I don't do a lot of gaming online that requires having the microphone, I could buy a separate one if I needed to. I use it to watch of bit of anime/shows on my PC.


Jan 15, 2014
I hope I don't get into trouble for bumping this question, but I am still looking for any answers to my previous question. I did get a replacement pair of the elite prism headphones and they have been working so far. I'm still not terribly impressed with the level of sound they give, and I am wondering if anyone has any recommendations. thanks