Hi how is everyone today. I am looking to get a hardrive based mp3 player so i am compiling a list of best mp3 players which might be on your wish list or which you have already bought or recommend. Please also provide the cost of the mp3 player and a link to its features if possible. I am looking for honest opinions and guidance. Thx in advance
List of best mp3 players rated by users in no organized order
30 GB iPod Video ($300-$400)
30 GB Creative Zen Vision:M ($250-$250)
PS. I am compiling this list for people like myself who want a solid/matching alternative to apples iPod
My Budget = below $400 CANADIAN
List of best mp3 players rated by users in no organized order
30 GB iPod Video ($300-$400)
30 GB Creative Zen Vision:M ($250-$250)
PS. I am compiling this list for people like myself who want a solid/matching alternative to apples iPod
My Budget = below $400 CANADIAN