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get one of those cd-rom lens cleaners like you use for a computer, and use
alittle warm water and soap. run it for just a few seconds and it should
come clean. if your lens is gunked up with glue from the adhesive used to
glue individual platters of certain poorly made discs together, you may have
to go the more drastic open-it-up-Q-tip route. use the same solution they
sell with most audio head cleaning kits with lint-free cloth or cotton
swabs, not your bargain swabs that are made with paper. never use the stuff
that comes with those pop-in cassettes, that's OK in you car tape player,
not for your laserdisc player. the ones sold now for dvd-rom are better than
older cd-only, you might spend $20 but it;s worth the extra few dollars and
time if you have to open the chassis of your player. don;t use saliva
directly, though you can use warm breath if you rinse your mouth well and
drink a couple glasses of clean water before you begin. good luck with

"Kurtis Bahr" <> wrote in message
> Unless it is dirty and you are having trouble DON"T TOUCH IT. LD's spin
> at a very high rate, much different then CD's. Believe me the there is
> enough air flow that any dust is removed. With a LD player, using it
> pretty much keeps the lens clean.
> Now if you are a heavy smoker then you can get a smoke film on the lens
> you will need to clean.
> Kurtis
> "James Taylor" <> wrote in message
> news:_i5ud.1971$
>> Hi guys - just want to know what's the best way to clean an LD lens?
>> Will a
>> standard lens cleaning CD do it?
>> Thanks,
>> James
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