I can just see it...
Barbie: "Wouldn't it be great fun, Kevin, if you and I had a little secret. Just between the two of us?"
Kevin (enthuastically): Yes, yes"
Barbie: Just you and me and maybe your parents, knowing their bank account numbers and their pin codes. Wouldn't it be a good secret?"
Kevin (almost keeling over with excitement): Yes, yes, yes".
Barbie: I bet you can't get a hold of the numbers just like that".
Kevin: "Can too... I know where they put them. You just wait...".
Dad: "Griselda, have you seen our latest bank account statements? Our accounts have been completely cleaned out... Our fortune has gone, even down to the last penny and the bank say that there's nothing they can do about it".
Griselda: "Of course it has, Robert and I also know that it's the 1st of April today".
Four weeks later we see Dad, Mom, Kevin and Barbie in the soup queue in front of the local shelter for the homeless.