Black screen file Explorer not working cerber ransomware


Dec 5, 2016
Cerber ransomware - file Explorer not working after reboot (black screen)

I just came back to my PC after reading a book to find that my desktop has been replaced with a 'cerber ransomware' message which says that all my files have been encrypted and gives me some URLs to undo this by paying.

First of all, I did not download anything today. All I had running was chrome and ms word. I have no idea how this came about.

I tried to go to the payment-url's but they did not work after the verification proces.

Then I restarted my PC to find the screen blacked out.

I've tried to run Explorer.exe via task manager and cmd prompt but, even in safe mode, it keeps crashing.

So atm I cannot even visit these urls; i can't do anything on my PC. I can't see if my files are really encrypted.

Is Explorer.exe crashing because of the virus? This doesn't make any sense since How would they display their payment message to me then?

Might it be due to the fact that my main harddrive was near full?

Is my secondary harddrive also encrypted now?

I tried to recover to latest good configuration but this had no effect.
Also I can't do system recovery (rstrui.exe) since I never made a back-up. That's a hard lesson I've learned now, don't even bother telling me this; all I want from you is help on how to fix this.

I disconnected this PC from the internet. Should I worry about other PC's on the or even my phone?

I'm running win 7 by the way.

What should I do? Please help.
Download HitmanPro from another pc onto a cd/usb, and try to boot the infected computer with that. Thing is, if the files really are encrypted, you're screwed if you don't feel like paying.
Download HitmanPro from another pc onto a cd/usb, and try to boot the infected computer with that. Thing is, if the files really are encrypted, you're screwed if you don't feel like paying.